《 The Festival Disaster 》

Start from the beginning

"What about Tubbo?" Tommy asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Look, the festival's beginning, we should wait for them to speak."

The duo went down the hill and closer to Manberg.



Tommy handed over an ender pearl, "I want you to have this in case. I understand what you're going to do is wrong, but I don't want you to go down with it."

"Oh, I have no intention of going down with it. We have a window here," Wilbur said as he and Tommy entered a building.

"Can they see us from here?" The blonde asked, glancing at the older male.

"No, no, we're fine, we're fine, this is good, this is good. As long as we stay silent they won't notice us," Wilbur answered.

"Okay, are you sure?" Tommy asked, while looking at those on the podium through the glass.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I've got a good view, I've got a good view. I see him, I'm looking at Tub– I can see Tubbo."

Tubbo was looking right back, nodding his head.

"I can have a little bob hole," Tommy states.

"He's nodding at me. Tubbo nodded at me, bro."

"Big day," the blonde points out.

This caused a light chuckle to leave Wilbur's lips.

"It's a big day," he repeated.

Wilbur and Tommy went up to the roof to check out the podium.

"Oh, this is good. This is good, yeah. This is quite late, isn't it? It hasn't it begun?" Wilbur questioned.

"I liked it when we were," Tommy replied.

"Yeah, we were. At least we were punctual with our festivals," Wilbur agreed.

"We were on time!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna make the call, everyone, gather at the podium," Quackity's voice rang out.

"Yeah, yeah, make a call. I mean this is great," Schlatt states.

The ram hybrid got closer to the microphone a bit.

"I just wanted to say how much I love democracy."


"Just like one more time."

Both Tubbo and Quackity could be seen on the podium at Schlatt's sides.


The Manbergian's–which weren't much, along with Techno and the cloaked (M/n) could be seen in the small crowd of people.

"Fantastic how this is like brings a tear to my eye," Schlatt states.

Wilbur then turned towards Tommy, "What, Tommy? What, Tommy? What?"

"Wilbur, there are a lot of people!" Tommy whispered out quite loudly.

"I know there's a lot of people, Tommy!" Wilbur replied.

Tommy looked like he was having a mental breakdown.

"Where is the button, Wilbur?" Tommy hastily asked.

Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows a bit as he narrowed his eyes at the younger.

"I'm not telling you where the button is, man."

"I'm wearing this!"

Wilbur went over to Tommy slowly and pointed in a direction.

"Tommy, it's over that hill! It's over that hill! Right there," Wilbur states.

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