Chapter Seven - Drunk

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He sinks the knife deeper into my stomach as I scream in pain. To add, he had already completely cut off my arm. And now there is now a puddle of blood under my shoulder and he doesn't seem the slightest bit guilty.

It hurts.

I should have known he would be like this. Today he was acting weird when he came home. Drunk. He didn't acknowledge my existence and when I asked him what was wrong he attacked me.

I don't say anything. I don't scream anymore. I just let him kill me slowly. I have to bite on my fist to prevent myself from screaming as he slowly and painfully cuts off a toe.

And then darkness swallows me whole.


"I don't want to do the interview. I'm not in the band." I whine as Harry drags me along the corridors of the building where the interview is being held. We are now in Liverpool and they are making me be in an interview.

"Please? Do it for me." He begs me. I know the others are behind and watching us, but I don't care. "Pretty please?"

"With a cherry on top?" I question and he nods. "Fine."

"Yes!" He fist pumps the air.

After getting my makeup done, we are seated on a couch with the interviewer across from us. There is no live audience, so she pretty much gets straight into it.

"Aimee, what is it like to tour with your brother's band?" She asks and I put on a fake smile.

"It's a lot of fun. The lads are great to hang with and I really enjoy opening for them." I lie smoothly. The only part I actually do enjoy is singing for them and being fucked by Harry.

"And what would you say is your favourite part of touring?"

"Probably sleeping." I reply honestly and she laughs. I love sleeping. It's the best thing in the world. "And getting to travel around the world."

She then goes on to talk to the other lads about pointless things that I pay no attention to. It's when she starts flirting with Niall that my stomach churns. Ew, am I jealous? Ha, no way.

"So, Aimee..." She begins, looking directly at me. "You recently got out of a relationship with band member, Niall Horan, correct?" She questions, and I swear I feel like bashing her face in.

"Uh, y-yeah." I stumble, hoping no one noticed.

Thankfully, no one seems to notice. "Do you mind if I have him then?"

I felt like shouting in her face and telling her that he is mine, but then I realise he isn't mine and I hate him anyway. "Take him." Is what I reply. I look over to Niall. He looks upset by my answer and frightened by the interviewer. "I'm over him."

"Great!" She squeals.

I sink further into my seat as I fiddle with my fingers.

"So, who are you going for next?" She suddenly asks me. I give her a quizzical look. "Well, there was that rumour last year that you were dating Harry, and then you were dating Niall. Are you going for Louis or Zayn next? Before you know it, you're incest and dating Liam."

"What the fuck?!" I shout, standing from my seat. She crossed the line. "That's fucking disgusting! I'm not going for any of them. Louis, Liam and Zayn all have girlfriends and dating my brother would just be sick. You're sick. I'm out of here." And like that, I turn and walk off.

"What was that, Aimee?" Paul growls at me.

"Did you not just see that? She was getting on my nerves. She was purposely trying to get me angry." I explain angrily.

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