"Hey look at that!" Jungkook suddenly said, gaining the attention of both the boys who looked at the direction in which he was pointing just to find a huge ferris wheel ride in the middle of the fair, shining because of the coloured lights fixed on it, looking mesmerizing. Once seen, it was difficult to take eyes off of it for these three boys who just stared at it in awe.

"Wow! It's beautiful" Jungkook exclaimed, completely amazed by the huge ferris wheel.

"Yeah!" Jimin agreed.

"Should we go ride it?" Eunwoo asked, really wanting to go on it.

"Yeah! I wanna go there too" Jungkook replied as both of them nodded, accepting him. Their eyes roamed around.

"Tickets must be sold there." Jimin said, pointing towards the counter after discovering it. "Wait here! I'll bring tickets for us" He added, running softly towards the counter.

"I'll join him." Jungkook mumbled back. Only when he was about to leave to follow Jimin, he was stopped when someone held his shoulder. Looking behind, he saw Eunwoo looking at him with nervous eyes like he wanted to say something.

"Jungkook actually I-" Eunwoo was hesitant to say as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Look! Only two people can ride at a time on one Ferris wheel cart so I-" Eunwoo was nervous to say. "I wanted to ride it with Jimin. Can you please let him ride with me?" Eunwoo finally asked it as Jungkook raised his eyebrows, giving a look of refusal already. Actually, Eunwoo wanted to ride on ferris wheel with Jimin but he knew Jungkook would interrupt them as usual so he just decided to be straight forward with the boy, so that he doesn't ruin his moment.

"Why you wanna go with Jimin?" Jungkook asked, looking calm outside but there was a storm brewing inside of him right now. No way he was going to let Eunwoo ride on ferris wheel with his Jimin but sure he wanted to know the reason why Eunwoo was so desperate to ride it with Jimin only.

"Jungkook I'll just say it to you straight. But, please don't tell it to Jimin" Eunwoo said as Jungkook was more than confused at this point.

"Umm... Actually... I-I like Jimin" Eunwoo finally said as Jungkook's stare was turned into a glare in the matter of seconds.

"That's why I wanted to go on the wheel with him. I hope you won't mind" Eunwoo said, completely unaware of how much Jungkook was minding it. Just like how Jungkook thought, his suspicions were absolutely right. Knowing that Eunwoo actually liked Jimin just like how he thought, his insides started burning from anger.

"I'm sorry but he's taken." Jungkook said, calmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was just the calm environment before the hurricane that was soon going to happen. His words surprised Eunwoo whose eyes widened.

"What? By whom?" Eunwoo asked, feeling dumbfounded that he was hitting on someone who was already taken.

"By me" Jungkook said without even hesitating a bit. This confused Eunwoo even more. Jimin never told him that he was dating with Jungkook. Not to mention that from all the bickering they were doing today, it didn't look possible to him.

"You-You are lying, aren't you? You are not his boyfriend" Eunwoo said as a matter of fact. He really didn't want to accept it at all.

"Well not yet but I'm his soon to be boyfriend" Jungkook said confidently like it was sure to happen.

"What the hell do you mean by 'soon to be boyfriend'?" Eunwoo asked scrunching his eyebrows.

"Well I love him so I'm already hitting on him before you that's why you have no chance with him. You should better stop" Jungkook said, more like in a demanding tone that bothered Eunwoo.

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