Pierra stopped moving and shot a glare at me, hands on her waist.

"So you get me pregnant to have more sex with me. Is everything about sex with you?"She inquired her voice tight.

She was getting upset with me, which was not good if I wanted her to actually behave and go along with the photoshoot.

"No but I do enjoy that part quite a bit."I chuckled approaching her.

I pecked her lips before bending and kissing her belly. Pierra truly was a sight while pregnant and her libido being so high up during that time was just a plus for me.

"You're insatiable."She grunted.

"Only for you my love."I replied with a wink earning me an eye roll.

I resumed setting up the work space in my studio. I still didn't like studio photography as much as I liked outdoor photography but Pierra had declined going outdoors completely so I'd brought the outdoors to her. We were doing a sunflower themed photoshoot as per Pierra's request. As long as I got to take exceptional photos of my wife, I didn't care where I did it.

I still worked photography though I'd upgraded from working alone to having my own company with a few employees. I hated the official part of my job so Pierra managed while I did the practical work. We were a good match as she could work from home and spend more time with our kids. She also did PR work for a few companies but only part time so her degree didn't go to waste.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something."Pierra complained.

"Like what?"I asked putting the finishing touches on the workspace.

"If I could remember what it was I wouldn't exactly be saying that I am forgetting now would I?"She replied sarcastically.

"You're extra moody today, are you okay babe?"I asked getting concerned.

Pregnancy hormones made Pierra's emotions shift from happy to mad in seconds. She had been snapping at me all day and even though I understood, I realized that there could actually be something wrong.

"No, I'm not okay. I just want her to come out already. I'm tired of being pregnant."She hiccuped and I knew that meant the tears were coming.

I rushed to her and pulled her into my arms, rubbing her back soothingly. It was an awkward hug because of her belly but we made it work.

"It's okay love, just one more month and then she'll be here. This one is our last."I assured her.

Pierra loved our kids but she didn't like the last trimester of being pregnant. She was always sore and irritable.

"You promise?"She asked looking up at me with those beautiful dark eyes.

"I promise."I assured her.

I just wanted my wife to be happy so if she didn't want to carry any more kids I was okay with that. Three little munchkins were more than enough anyway.

"I remember what I forgot."Pierra said excitedly.

"What?"I inquired.

"The kids, where are my babies?"She asked getting a little hysterical.

I always blamed pregnancy brain when she got like that.

"Baby calm down,Miriam will be bringing them soon."I assured her.

Miriam was our nanny and house keeper. Pierra could not maintain our huge house all on her own, plus she hated cleaning so my mom got us Miriam to help her around the house. She was forty years old, had raised two kids so she had experience and was a honest and kind woman.

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