Character Info: Female Knight!

Start from the beginning

Description: Soft, cuddly, adorable, has glasses because he's nearsighted, and he's not immune to gay panic.

Hair color: Golden Brown [Properly gelled]

Eyes: Dark Blue

Favorite food: Vegetable Broth. Loves vegetables.

Favorite thing to do:  Reading books in his father's study and learning the complex structure of magic.

Other hobbies: Gardening. It soothes him that's why he helps Kein water the flowers often in their mansion.

Likes: Books, flowers, garden, green grass, libraries, ancient scripts, ruins, magic, and dogs.

Dislikes: Being alone, cactuses because even though they're plants, they have thorns and he doesn't like that, someone wrinkling up books, people who hurt his family, and people who don't mind their own business. 

Fun fact about the character: Lenard likes the mysterious but sweet type. Maybe that's why he has an obvious crush on Vincent.

His father favors Lenard more that's why his twin brother Lucas doesn't like him. 

Favorite quote:
"Family always stick together."
"To be yourself, it's the best feeling."
"I will never judge you, for being yourself."


Name: Vincent von Wolford
Age Currently: 14 years old.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'5
Magic: Unknown 

Description: Strict, punctual, a gentleman, calm, thinks before doing any action, admires his father, and sets him as a role model. Very handsome, graceful, poised, and surprisingly flexible.

Hair color: Light Blue Hair

Eyes: Emerald Green

Favorite food: Any kind of meat dish. Hates vegetables.

Favorite thing to do: Reading, ice skating, magic sports, secretly putting on makeup, fencing, peace, and quiet. 

Other hobbies: Ballet and the Holy Light Dance. Vincent has always adored the shrine maidens when they dance tribute for the light goddess. He memorized the whole choreography! 

Likes: Makeup, Lipstick, Foundation, Mascara, taking care of one's skin, and Lenard.

Dislikes: People who insult his family especially his father, people making fun of him for putting on makeup, being humiliated, and vegetables.

Fun fact about the character: Vincent from a young age has been experiencing urges to put on makeup and tried to be more feminine but his mother saw him once and scolded Vincent. After that, he never tried on putting makeup ever again when his mother is near and began to do it more secretly.

Favorite quote:
"Must you be so stupid?"
"Taking care of your look is not a sin."
"Elegance and poise is a must."

Side characters but will be important in the future!

Name: Veronica Lumine
Age Currently: 25 years old.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'4
Magic: Unknown

Description: Carefree, independent, hard-working, observant, ara-ara levels go YEET, really likes to tease people but also can't handle it when people tease her, has magic hands for weaving and making bags. 

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