Chapter 12: Lumineria Festival [1/2].

Start from the beginning

A festival? Is that why all the people were decorating and putting up candles?

"What festival?"

Veronica takes out a brochure and hands it over to me. Hold up, they have those over here? It's making me think the kingdom has some worthwhile places to visit but not really.

There's the adventurer's guild, a tavern, some merchant ware stores, a huge tree that no one really visits much even though it's cool, but the kingdom of [Puronia] is definitely famous for other than art, sculptures, there's also holy places like shrines and churches.

To serve the light goddess, I think that's all I know for now. I wonder if Rose will actually be there...

"It's the [Lumineria Festival]!" (Veronica) points out a little spot on the brochure where it says here the Lumineria festival is the celebration of the light goddess giving them light and defeating the darkness.

"Lumineria? Festival? I mean so what do you do there?" I look at the brochure more closely and it just tells me some history of how it came to be but nothing else.

Peter gave me another brochure and for some reason, it's a map this time, "This is a map on where the fun game stalls happen. We hold competitions such as sculpture making, poetry, and painting."

My ears perked up at the mention of painting, "Did you just say painting?"

I haven't painted in weeks and I haven't visited Baron Hills for quite some time now. Oh no, I think I should do that next time but this sounds like a really fun festival.

Should I watch? Even bring Lenard along if it's fine?

I could sneak out again besides I won't lose anything on this. What're a few bruises compared to fun times at a festival? In an isekai world, I am surely not missing this. "Yes, there are usually prizes at the end of it. There's an entrance fee. I think it was 50 silver per person." (Peter) answered.

I can afford the entrance but is it really safe to paint in front of a lot of people? Surely it won't hurt for a little bit of fun.

Hmm, however, the real question is, "Is there any age limit on the competitions?"

Right, I'm not sure if they take children to painting competitions. "There isn't, don't worry little charmer. Peter has seen your sketch of me that you gave me and he was impressed!"

Peter scratches his back and he looks away, "I mean, you certainly captured my beautiful girlfriend's eyes. I think it was really cool."

Oh good lord. Does he know I tried flirting with Veronica once– I feel guilty now. Peter seems like a nice person- I'm really sorry for hitting on your girlfriend! "Hey, if you two ever tie the knot. I'll be free to draw a portrait of you two together."

With the sudden suggestion of marriage from me.

Peter and Veronica look at each other before blushing, their faces having a deep shade of red. "M-Mariage is a far off plan don't you think, Peter?" (Veronica) says first laughing it off.

"Y-Yeah. We're not ready yet but... maybe someday." (Peter) blushes while playing it off but it was clear that he was flustered.

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