Let The Hunt Begin

Start from the beginning

He knew he couldn't act on that though. They were friends and that was much better than being rejected and enduring the awkward tension.

Thinking wouldn't get him anywhere so he just curled around his blanket and let Merlin's scent lull him to sleep.


As every morning he was greeted by Merlin throwing the curtains open and saying whatever silly remark he thought of that morning. Merlin didn't seem to say anything about yesterday and Arthur decided that was a good sign.

With a groan he stood up and paddled to the table. Waiting for Merlin to join him. Since he was named court sorcerer they usually ate together. He looked over his shoulder noting with a pleased smile that Merlin was going through his clothes deciding what Arthur would be wearing today. He grimaced as he thought this task to be handled by George.

He took a sip of water. He didn't want to make it obvious he was waiting with the food until Merlin sat next to him.

When Merlin was seated he took some bread and asked with a full mouth, "What are we doing today?"

Merlin made a thoughtful sound and took some strawberries.

"I think we actually have a free day. Why? Do you want to go hunting?" Merlin asked dreadfully.

Arthur smirked and took another bite, chewing slowly and then pointing the rest of his bread at Merlin.

"We Merlin, are going on a hunt. We are going to find out who stole all my blankets." He said as if he had already found whoever was stealing his blankets. Not that Merlin knew who this mysterious person was. He hadn't had the slightest clue.

Merlin groaned. This wasn't how he wanted to spend his free day. Not when he knew they wouldn't find anything anyway.

"Is that really necessary? As much as I hate to bring you new blankets every other day, can we use our free day for something more fun? Maybe we can go to the lake or something." Merlin whined and shoved more food on his plate.

"That is not possible, Merlin. My rut will come next week and if I want my den to be perfect I need my blankets. Also I have this urge to hunt. So that's exactly what we are going to do." Arthur explained casually.

"I still don't understand why I have to help you with this. It's your rut, not mine. And anyway, you don't want to impress anyone with your den. Can't you just use what you have right now? Or maybe I can ask Gwen if she knows about some fluffy blankets here in the castle." Merlin tried to convince him but to no avail.

"No Merlin. And I have the fluffiest and softest blankets anyway. And what if this thief steals my new blanket right before the rut hits?" Although it didn't sound that bad when Merlin would bring him new blankets and he could spend his rut with Merlin's scent. No, not bad at all. Arthur scolded himself. He had to concentrate.

"We are doing this. There is no way around it. In hindsight I can understand why anyone would want my blankets. But they are mine and I have to get them back." Merlin sighed. He knew he was defeated but he hoped if Arthur would have his fun today maybe he will leave Merlin alone tomorrow. Not away from him just away from his stupid ideas.

"And how do you want to do this? I mean the blanket thief was here yesterday. Surely they won't come today again."

"Good point. We will start with the guards. Then the maids. Maybe one of them was just so allured by the fluffiness and the smell of my blankets that she couldn't help herself."

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