“Not his fault. Anyone would get angry if their whole office's system is hacked. It is not a small thing.” 

“Ya…! Be happy it's Arjun sir. If it would have been sir Aditya, he would have fired most of the employees of that department.” 

I walked past my murmuring staff and entered the IT security department to find everyone working and running here and there. I am not an expert at all this but I have done a course. I know I can set my foot in this.

I got so engrossed with work that I didn't know when I peeled off my coat, throwing it on the chair's back and when I rolled up my sleeves. 

My mobile rang but I ignored it. It again rang and then went off. With a frown on my face, I picked it up. It was Aditya. I pulled down the notification bar to see that I have a following request from Zoya on instagram. He must have been calling me for that. I allowed her and went back to work.

Again my mobile rang. What is it with him today?? Am I his girlfriend? Calling me so much! I groaned and picked up the call.

“Ha Adi, something urgent?” 

“Na hi, na hello? Wah!” 

“Adii… ” I groaned. Has he called me for timepass?

“Is everything fine?” He asked.

“Ha.. it is nothing, I will talk to you later…” 

“Okay… Bye…” 

I opted not to tell him. He is there enjoying. And what would he even do if I tell him? He will come here immediately, shout on the employees for such carelessness, maybe will say something to me too, will fire few people and then will sit thinking what to do. Yeh saala apna bhi tension badhayega…. Hence it is better not to tell him.

I glanced at my wristwatch and saw it was the lunch time. No one can work efficiently if they are hungry. I want my staff to work but not being hungry.

“Okay! Everyone!” I grabbed everyone's attention.

“It is lunch time. Have your lunch and we will continue in half an hour.” I spoke and walked towards my cabin, taking my coat.

I entered my cabin and threw my coat on the table. Slumping on the couch, I realised how much tired I am right now. Lunch? I have no tiffen with me and I don't think I will be able to wait for the order to arrive. Deciding it is best to skip lunch today, I settled myself on the couch and closed my eyes. 

Uncle… I asked uncle that I will handle everything and he do not have to worry and see how much well I did. Note the sarcasm. 

After a while, I heard someone entering my cabin. No one let me be in peace. 

“Arjun…” I heard Noor's melodious voice. 

Is she really here? I opened my eyes and found her standing there, smiling at me. My face broke out in a grin.

“Noor? Here?” 

“You only allowed me to come whenever I want to…” 

“I know. Come…” I sat up straight, making space for her to sit.

“You look really tired…. Had lunch?” She asked. I shook my head.

“Well… I have got you covered…” She spoke and pulled out tiffen from her bag.

Wow! She is my knight in the shining armour. I am so hungry that I was ready to eat tables and chairs, only if she wouldn't have dropped by.

“Start…” She asked me after she opened the box.

“Thank you so much!!”

I almost kissed her cheek. The keyword being almost. But I will after I finish the lunch. Wait… Did she have her lunch…

“You had your lunch?” I asked.

“You have it… I will go home from here and will eat…” 

Aww… How come my scratching cat became so sweet.

“Thank you so much!”

Feeling too grateful I made her eat few morsels. Now I am full and feeling content. Even the lunch time is going to over in few minutes. 

“Is everything alright?” She asked before leaving. I nodded.

“I don't think so…” 

I told her everything that has happened from the morning.

“The one who has hacked your system has no common sense… If he wanted to stole something in particular he should have targeted those few PC's only but here he…. Idiot!” She spoke and I nodded in agreement. 

Yet… I will still say he is brilliant at his job. 

“I think I can help!!” And here she was back to being squealing Noor.

“Your finals are coming up… No?” She nodded.

“And you also know that passing the interview means nothing if you failed the exam…” She pursed her lips.

“Don't worry… I will handle here. Help me when you come here for internship. Okay?” She nodded but was unsatisfied.

I pulled her close by her arm and kissed her cheek. That I was waiting to do.

“Thank you for the lunch…” I whispered and she smiled.

“Take care and call me if you need me…” I nodded. 


“Bye.” She left and I walked back to work again. 

I wish we finish it all by tonight.

Zoya's POV

Today we all enjoyed a lot. I should thank Arjun for handling everything without disturbing Aditya. He must have been working for two persons at a time. 

I asked Aditya about his feelings and he replied he don't know. Ofcourse, it is a very complicated thing. I think if he is confused he really have loved her. She is a complete idiot to leave Aditya just because his bad time came. She didn't love him. Poor Aditya… I can feel him… 

It's night and after the long day I am sharing my room with Aarohi. She is lying beside me with her eyes wide open. Not an ounce of sleep in her eyes. 


“Not again!!” I stopped her even before she can start. 

She has been pressing me for a while now about Aditya. In her and Abhimanyu's view, Aditya likes me. I know that is just in their view. If he would have liked me, he wouldn't have said I don't know. Sigh...!


“Sleep Aaru…. It's your engagement day after tomorrow.” I instructed her and closed my eyes. 

Due to tiredness, sleep came over me immediately, taking me in my fantasy land where rabbits swim.

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