Start from the beginning

Peter sent him a small smile. "I promised I would help you. We're in this together."

"Together," Eddy echoed, letting a smile spread on his lips.

At his side, Peter's hand radiated warmth, his knuckles close enough that they grazed against his own. Eddy swallowed as he felt his fingers move further toward him, gingerly wrapping their hands together, loose enough that he could pull away. Eddy tightened his fingers around Peter's touch. Somehow this felt more significant than any kissed they'd ever shared. The faces that passed took no notice of the interlinked hands and yet Eddy felt ecstatic at their closeness, at their show of it. Peter was there for him. For him.

With one swift movement, Eddy was tugging him forward, slipping through the hoards of people, businessmen and tourists alike, as Peter let out a sharp exclamation of surprise. Why waste the trip? They would be back in time for English and no one would even know that they'd skipped PE in favour of scouring the streets of a city half way around the world. Except time had a funny way of slipping through their fingers when they were wrapped up in too much fun.

This London was not the London Eddy knew, and so they spent the day getting lost, staring at street maps with an added determination, hiking their way to the London Eye, which sat on the South Bank of the River Thames. Without any money lining their pockets, Eddy teleported them past the long que to an empty carriage halfway up, leaving them alone in the little bubble, staring out across the city in awe.

They sat against the glass, Peter's head leaning against Eddy's shoulder, eyes struggling to keep open as they neared the bottom of the loop. They would have to leave soon, but neither of them could find the energy nor desire to move.

"I think I'm ready to keep the past behind me now," Eddy said, feeling the shift of the boy's head as he turned to look at him, chin still on his shoulder. He liked how natural it felt.

"You are?"

"Yeah. No more chasing things that have already happened, things that I can't change," he said, nodding in affirmation.

"What will you do instead?"

"Chase things I already have," Eddy said.

He grinned down at the boy, chuckling at the blush that spread across his cheeks at the meaning that laced the words. Their hands were entwined again, as the carriage neared the bottom of the circle, and Eddy teleported them home before their cheated presence could be discovered.

The warmth of Peter's room was welcomed. The school day had accidentally been skipped and yet neither of the two could feel guilty. As the last light of day drifted behind the far off apartment buildings, Eddy and Peter collapsed onto his bed, exhausted by the journey, cheeks flushed with joy. There came a shuffling in the other side of the door- the loud sounds of what could only be called angry footsteps following.

Peter shoved Eddy from the bed, pushing him forward.

"Get in there!" He hissed, pointing to the messy wardrobe.

"What? Why am I hiding? Aunt May finished the ban on me."

"You're hiding because now I can do this," Peter began before he pulled Eddy closer, placing a sudden, confident kiss to his lips, all previous nervousness disappeared. "And I don't know how to hide that fact when you're near."

Eddy stared at him stunned for a moment, before he let the boy push him backwards to the wardrobe, hiding him behind the doors. He didn't care to remind him that he could teleport himself away. Eddy didn't feel as if in that moment he would be able to, not with his heart beating a thousand times a second.

On the other side of the wardrobe door, Peter hurried to opens his bedroom door before Aunt May could barge in. She stepped into his room, arms crossed sternly over her chest, eyes scanning around for the boy who usually came stuck to his hip.

"You skipped school, Peter. You gonna tell me where you were tonight?"

Peter reached to scratch the back of his neck. His cheeks were still flushed, his head spinning with thoughts of the sudden move he'd just made toward Eddy. His words came out as a stutter, as Aunt May stared down at him expectantly.

"I was at the compound, yeah. At the compound."

"At the compound?" Aunt May repeated, as if she knew something he didn't.

"Was that before or after I left?"

Tony Stark stepped out from the hallways, hovering in the doorway. His posture mimicked that of his Aunt's: back straight, eyebrows raised and arms folded tightly. Where May frowned, however, Tony smirked, amused at the thought that they'd caught the boy in a lie.

"You called Mr Stark!" Peter exclaimed, eyes widening as they landed on his aunt.

"Yeah, I called Mr Stark," she said, turning to look at the man with a strong nod. "There's something you need to tell us, Peter."

"I don't know what you mean," he said, scratching the back of his neck again, only pulling it away with a snap when he realised how obvious he was being. "Genuinely, I'm lost."

Mr Stark finally let out a sigh, arms unfurling as he brushed pay the two, striding toward the wardrobe, pulling open the doors. Eddy stared up at him with a sheepish grin, shrinking under the eyes of the three others in the room.

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, Mr Stark..." Eddy grumbled, falling out of the wardrobe to stand beside him.

Peter stared at him open-mouthed.

"You totally could have teleported right then."

"Yeah, I could have teleported. But he already knows," Eddy argued, glancing to Mr Stark with a shrug.

"How? How could he possibly know?" Peter said, his voice becoming higher the longer he spoke.

"Try living in the compound with a computer-human."


"Vision," Eddy consolidated, shaking his head.

Peter let out a sigh, his face turning a dark red for the fiftieth time that day. He looked between his Aunt and Tony Stark, blinking away his hesitation, letting whatever words that came to his head fall from beneath his dry lips.

"Okay, so we may or may not be seeing each other in a sort of not friend way-"

"Yeah, cute, just next time try warning us when you go on investigations in different countries," Tony brushed him away.

Eddy rolled his eyes at his indifference. Peter just balked, mouth opening and closing as he took in the direction of the conversation. And again, Eddy shrugged. It wasn't as if they'd been good at keeping their relationship secret.

"Different countries?" Aunt May exclaimed.

"It was only London," Peter tried to stutter.


Eddy cringed and reached out for him, arm snaking around hi arm. "We're gonna go."

"Already holding on."

Peter nodded, hands latching into his waist as both Aunt May and Mr Stark began to shout their protests. But Eddy whisked them away in an instance, sliding through the dark space to drop them on the roof of their favourite patrol spot.

"At least now you don't have to hide that you can do this," Eddy said, watching as Peter's face flushed before he pulled him in, mimicking the kiss he'd lastly placed upon his lips.


It's surprising what you can do on little sleep! Anyway, think I might rewrite this to up the quality a bit, but here it is in the meantime. This is the middle section completed! The start of the next part will have some cute chapters but then we get to the plot!

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