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𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑠


Three days had passed and Eddy was still buzzing about his last meeting as Split with Spider-Man. His sense of relief was immense, almost as if all the tension had literally been sucked from his body. Growing up in the time period he did, however, made Eddy overly aware of the fact that should one become too elated within a relationship that it would quickly be ripped away. Steve had sacrificed himself just at the point when Eddy had believed to have found a friend within him. Wanda was now on the run, just when he needed her friendship most. It would only be his luck to find Spider-Man indisposed some way or another in a few weeks, should he become attached. But there was something about the boy that was so inviting. In that single way, Eddy thought of Peter.

He stood by the door of Peter's small apartment again, his hand raised to knock. Seconds after his knuckles hit the wood, Aunt May's face appeared in the gap, her lips pulled into a beaming smile- one that never failed to bring a grin to his own face.

"Eddy, it's good to see you again. Ned is already here. They're just getting everything set up while I make snacks," she said as the door was widened enough for him to enter. "Sweet popcorn okay for you?"

"Perfect, thanks May."

She waved him away with a tea towel. "Go, get yourself with them."

The living room of the Parker residence was a small area tucked behind the kitchen, separated by a single sink bench and a settee. The walls were a navy blue, the rug a mustard yellow rolled out in front of a medium-sized tv, currently skewed with piles of DVD cases. As Eddy moved from the front door, Peter sprawled out across the floor, his arms stretching wide and chin tipping backwards in a mock huff. At the sound of a floorboard creaking, his eyes flew open, lading on Eddy as he looked down upon his flopped figure with a raised brow.

Peter shot up, rubbing the back of his head, a tinge of pink gracing his cheeks. "Eddy, you're here."

"Yeah. I'm on time."

As Ned laughed, Peter nudged him. "You are? Oh, I didn't realise Ned was early. I thought you weren't going to show."

Eddy swallowed, trying not to let himself get too excited by the statement. He found himself often being too hopeful when reading into the things he said. Even so, he looked toward him with a smirk as he plopped beside him.

"Don't get yourself too upset. I'm here now," he teased, knocking their shoulders together. "What's the argument over?"

"We still can't agree on which film to start with. Originals or prequels."

"It's gotta be the prequels," Ned said quickly without giving any time for anything else to be said.

"How about we go with the originals?"

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