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Before he could think twice about it, Eddy was skidding to the side, bringing his palm to slap down against the band against his wrist, letting the black, shadow-like material of his suit unfurl against his frame, tightening against his body until it was like a second skin. It was only as he went to step forward, sending himself through that otherworldly space, that he remembered why he had separated from the rest of the group. Peter was missing. If Eddy knew the boy enough to be able to say that he liked him, then he knew enough to say that Peter was smart enough not to get himself into too much trouble. Spiderman needed his help. Eddy wasn't one to let people down.

With a hardened sigh, he threw himself forward, slipping through the curling swathes of black and magenta, emerging seconds later on the other side as Split. But his feet seemed to drop from beneath him. He was falling. Falling so fast that he was halfway down the side of whatever he'd dropped from before he could teleport himself upwards again, landing wobbly on the tip of a monument, Spiderman hanging from the side of it by his web. A red leg was hanging from the edge, his foot tapping at a small boxy window.

"You always have to be in the worst places when I teleport to you," Split shouted, letting the boy know of his presence.

"Couldn't you have gone to the ground first?"

"I'm still getting used to it. What's wrong?" Split asked.

Spiderman jumped slightly, already nervous. "You came?"

"You called."

In a swift second, Spiderman swung himself over the side of the monument, catching himself with a web above the window. He pushed himself backwards, angling his feet toward it like a dart.

"We have 125 seconds until the fatal drop," he shouted.

"I won't be able to get them all out in time!"


Split said nothing else. He stepped forward and came back out on the other side of the wall. Already the students who were trapped were trying to scramble upwards, putting their weight on the very top of the structure. As he moved to teleport again, split hesitated. If he added any more weight, the lift would only strain more, snapping the last of what held it up. Just then, Spiderman came slinging through the window, webs ejecting to hold himself in place.

"Web the top of the lift. You'll need to hold it up while I get them out."

Spiderman did as he said and Split teleported into the lift, taking the first person he saw by the arm and teleporting out again. It was only as he did so, that he recognised the blue and yellow uniform and the horrified face of the person he was helping. These people were his friends.

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