Start from the beginning

"What?" May's surprised voice mimicked exactly how he felt. "What happened?"

"I just thought that I could work really hard and he could- He would- You know," Peter said, voice breaking as he went quiet. "But I screwed it up."

"It's okay. It's okay."

"I'm sorry I made you worry."

"You know, I'm not trying to ruin your life. I used to sneak out too," Aunt May said. Her words were muffled, undoubtedly by a hug. "Take a shower. You smell."

He stepped back as Peter's footsteps filled the hall, nearing the door. It was pushed open and Peter stopped with his fingers clasping the handle.


"Did you hear all that?" Peter asked.

The remnants of tears still clung to his under eyes, making them red and puffy. It looked as if it had been weeks since he'd last slept, thanks to the dark shadows, and if Aunt May's accusations were anything to go against, it probably had been. Peter's breathing was still heavy, the rise and fall of his chest steady but fast as Eddy paused.

He nodded sheepishly. "I didn't want to interrupt,' Eddy said as Peter moved further into his room. "Want to talk about it?"

Peter let out a breath, his brows furrowing. "I don't know what happened..."

Before any more words of doubt could pass by Peter's lips, Eddy had wrapped his arms around the boy's neck, pulling him close. He tensed for a moment, hands hovering over his back before they settled, pulling him back even closer. Against his shoulder, Peter let out a sigh as his eyes closed, pulling in another deep breath.

"I'm sorry," Eddy breathed.

Peter shook his head as he eventually pulled away. "Don't apologise. It's not your fault," he said.

Though he'd said it, it could not stop Eddy from believing it.

Peter paced across the room, hands tangling in the hem of his old shirt before he pulled it over his head, ripping it from his body. He threw it to the floor, kicking it to the corner, leaving his torso bare. Eddy's head twisted to face the wall swiftly as his cheeks tinged a glowy pink. Since when had Peter Parker been so... muscular?

"I'm just annoyed, you know," Peter said as he dropped down to sit on the edge of his bed. "My life finally had some meaning."

"You don't need Mr Stark to give you purpose," Eddy said. Then paused to think about the words he hadn't expected to leave his mouth. "I don't know what I'd do with myself If I woke up one day and you'd disappeared. Is that not purpose enough?"

Peter's head lifted, his eyes meeting his. "What are you saying?"

"I don't know." Eddy shook his head. "I just mean, is it not enough to know that people care for you? That they want to see you happy?"

Peter finally let out a smile, an action that brightened his entire face, from his lips to his eyes.

"I want to see them happy too," he said.

Eddy let his elbow brush against his. "Tony Stark may have the gadgets and money, but I bet my life he's still miserable."

"You know how to cheer people up."

"I learned it from my sister," he said with a shrug.

"I'd like to meet her, one day," Peter said.

Peggy would have loved him, Eddy thought. But each day, his distance to her seemed to be growing by miles until the journey seemed impossible to all except Stark. She would have loved him as much as she loved Eddy because anyone who made her little brother happy was a hero in her eyes. Just like Steve.

Even Cap would love him, he couldn't help but think as his head lifted to stare back at him again. Peter had a good heart, one that Steve would be able to sense from miles away. Even Wanda could warm up to a boy like Peter.

"I'd like you to meet her too," he said, glancing away again as a sense of sadness washed over him.

No matter how much he knew that Peggy would love him, it would never happen. They were two separate worlds of which he would one day need to choose between.

"I'm going to shower," Peter said, but before he could reach his door, he turned, arms lifting to scratch awkwardly at the back of his head. "How about we watch a film later?"

"Want me to text Ned?"

"No," he said-speaking too quickly to hide. "I don't want to worry him. Let's keep it just us."

Tony was in the kitchen, a newly-brewed coffee fresh in his hands. He didn't look surprised when Eddy appeared suddenly in front of him, arms landing crossed against the island bench. In fact, he was almost expecting it. It was made clear by the coffee cup- green as it always- that slid his way, steaming hot. Eddy looked down at the drink and tried not to let his confidence slip.

"Why'd you do it?"

"What have I done now?" Tony said as he brought the coffee to his lips.

"Peter Parker's internship," he said quickly. "You took it from him. Is this because of us?" There was nothing from Tony. "Look, we'll stop, okay? You can have the suit. I'll stay in the compound. Just don't take it out on him."

"This isn't about you Eddy," Stark said as he rounded the kitchen island to stand beside him, shaking his head. "Why would Peter Parker lose an internship because of the actions of two rogue superheroes? I trusted you, and now you've broken that trust. You and Spidey."

He let out a sigh and brought a hand to rub across his jaw as he closed his eyes. "I know you miss your home. Hell, I can't even comprehend what you're feeling. But you gotta let me do this without worry. What's the point in figuring out time travel if I've got no one to send back in time?"

Eddy looked away, not able to look the man in the eye. "I'm sorry for lying and using the suit," he began. "But the only time I feel right is when I'm using it for good- with Spiderman."

"And did you feel good today?" Stark said, and Eddy's face fell even lower. "Look, kid, I know you miss them. But you need to lay low. Go see Parker. And Wanda. You can see her. But no suit. No help. If things go south. If this goes wrong. No more help from me, got it?"

"Got it."

Eddy watched him leave the kitchen and head toward his lab. No amount of annoyance could stop him from admiring the man, even with his clear narcissism. Eddy did not agree with the removal of Spiderman's suit. Mr Stark had been equally as reckless when inviting a young vigilante to a superhero's fight, and the suit was Spiderman's identity, just as Iron Man was his. But at least he was decent enough to let him look for Wanda. He had to look for a positive, even if it would kill him.


Might rewrite this as it feels kind of off and badly explained in places.
Anyway, we're getting closer to the end of homecoming, I have so much planned!

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