Comincia dall'inizio

Teleporting himself to the kitchen, he stopped for a minute, gathering a cup of coffee before he took himself to the lab, popping himself on the creaky chair as the last of the otherworldly tendrils dissipated from his vision. He faced the door, wary of Happy and his impossible timings, bringing the hologram screens up in front of him in an act of even an ounce of privacy.

At least this time he knew what he was looking for. A beam of yellowish-white light flashed in the corner of his page. An alert, Eddy realised with a jolt as he brought his hands to expand the screen, zooming in swiftly. A false capture. Eddy deflated as quickly as he'd jumped to attention. It seemed that his mission was going to be more impossible than he thought. He would never find Steve and Wanda.

Eddy tried to convince himself that it was a good thing. If he couldn't find them with Stark's technology, then no one could.

"Friday, did you find any more files on Michael Carter?"

Her answer did nothing but disappoint him. "No, Mr Carter. They were all shown to you."

"Pull up the files on Shield."

"Mr Carter-"

"Please," he said quickly, his hands clenching in his pockets.

There seemed to be a pause and then Friday displayed the first Shield file. The title was grainy, displaying its age against modern technology, and as he flipped his hands, making the holographic pages flip with it, only to see that half of the words were blotted out with large, black squares. The little information that was not redacted spoke little of Peggy at the stage of founding Shield. As he flipped over another page, Eddy didn't know what he'd expected to find within the old files.

He trawled on for over an hour, skimming through pages and glancing at the odd image that came up. There were numerous operations named, some unknown as to whether they were operated by Shield or another company, enemy or not. Sword. The Guard. Siege. Countless other organisations that were just words to him.

And there, in the middle, was a picture of Peggy. Here he was getting sentimental again. His sister would have lived this mystery, this detective work that she thrived on, even if it was centred around their brother. She looked so smart, her hair freckled with grey, eyes bordered by the first sign of wrinkles.

He through the page over, accidentally wiping away the file from view. "Nothing," he grinned, placing his hands down against the lab desk, head tilted to the floor. "Why is there nothing? This makes no sense."

There was an explanation to everything- Eddy truly believed in that statement. It really applied to everything. From the beginning of human life, to the first spark in the universe, to his new existence in 2016, there was an explanation, even if he didn't know the full report. So, therefore, this problem, this misunderstanding of his brother's death date, must have a reason. There would be some mixup, some miscommunication. But if he was going to find the truth, he would need evidence.

With Sharon in hiding along with half of the Avengers, his aim was made even more difficult. If he could just find someone who'd been with Peggy at any time after he'd left after the war, then he would have some loose grasp to start to pull at, but it seemed impossible.

So he would start with the only easy thing he could think of. Photos, quotes, relatives. Find any vague link to his brother and he would know what had happened. Eddy would learn the truth about his brother, even if it hurt him in the process.


The school bell rang with a loud clatter as Eddy left his last lesson. The day had started off badly with him being late to form, and thanks to a detention given as a result of it, he'd not even seen Peter or Ned, except a brief talk during a switchover in the science labs.

super super. peter parkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora