Chivalry And The Modern Alpha

Start from the beginning

“They’re all charming,” Arthur answered.  “But this is a cold way of finding a mate.  I’d rather get to know them, choose someone I’m compatible with.”

“They’re omegas,” Uther sighed.  “The whole point of them is that they’re compatible with you.  Any of them will do.  Pick one, for heaven’s sake.  What about that one?”  He pointed to a particularly vivacious blonde girl, who looked far too pleased with herself even before being singled out by the king.  She immediately swished forward, nose in the air, shoving another blonde girl out of the way.

“Princess Vivien, your highness,” she told him without waiting to be spoken to.  “My father owns half of the western isles.”

“She has an excellent pedigree,” Lord Monmouth agreed.  He was one of the king’s main advisers, the royal archivist, and had spent the evening telling Uther about every omega that was put before Arthur.  He was the source for the disturbing commentary Uther had been subjecting Arthur to.  “The children would be most attractive.”

Vivien glowed with pleasure at the praise and flicked back her shining locks.  “Of course they would,” she agreed.  “And a crown would suit me well.”

“What are your interests?” Arthur asked, rapidly feeling that she was the last omega in the room he’d ever want to take as a mate. 

Vivien blinked at him for a moment, and he wondered if she actually had any. 

“Shopping,” she told him.  “I have accounts at all the best fashion houses.  Oh, and shoes.  I collect shoes.  I have 429 pairs.”

Evidently they had much in common.  “I have a couple of pairs of shoes as well,” Arthur told her.  “Thank you.  Next.”

“Arthur!” his father hissed angrily, but Arthur had already turned to the girl who had been pushed aside by Vivien.  She looked nervous and dishevelled, and almost tripped over her own feet when she realised Arthur was looking at her.

“I don’t like shopping,” she offered, then realised she’d spoken out of turn and clapped her hand over her mouth, obviously mortified.  Arthur was really hoping for a male omega, but knew there was little chance of finding one. If he had to take a female then he already vastly preferred this girl to Vivien.

“Elena of Gawant,” he heard Geoffrey say.  “Her father’s titled but has little in the way of fortune.  The girl has no great accomplishments to speak of.  There was a broken engagement last year to Princess Mithian.”

“Next!” Uther roared unkindly. 

The poor girl looked as if she might cry.  Arthur had just about had enough.  “Isn’t this supposed to be a ball, Father?”

He saw his father’s gaze stray towards Vivien.  “Yes… you’re right,” he clapped his hands together and the band immediately started to play. 

Arthur immediately jumped to his feet, and held out his hand to Elena before Uther could order him to dance with Vivien.  “My lady, would you care to dance?”

Elena just looked flustered and slightly terrified, and Arthur had to practically drag her out onto the floor.  It was worth it for the look on Vivien’s face. 

“Sorry about this,” Arthur whispered once they were out on the dance floor.  “I couldn’t stand that any longer.  I take it, if Mithian was your betrothed, that you have no more interest than I do in this farce?”

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