Chapter 74

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I sat down on our bed and looked at Danny her hands were shaking and she seemed really worked up. I put Ava in her crib and walked over to Danny and hugged her , she settled down taking a breath walking us over to the bed.

"What did Violet say baby"

"She told me what's really been going on at home"

"What's going on?"

"Her uncle is living with them, he moved in a month before graduation, she said he would go into her room at night and touch her he threatened her and said he would hurt her if she told anyone, and one night he came home drunk and he raped her, she told Hazel she cheated because she didn't want her to know " she balled her hands into fists and held them on her lap.

"Baby we have to take her to the police so she can report this!"

"She doesn't want to...and it's been too long since it last happened there is no evidence, even if she does file a report and they end up going to court they're going to rip her apart because there is no concrete evidence to prove it happened...i believe her and so do you because we know her but the judge and the jury they don't know her like we do to them she's just another girl saying that she was raped..the best thing we can do for her now is love her and support her"

"I can't believe this, people are sick how can you do that to your niece-" Ash stopped talking and looked at me.

"Did she ever say if he inside her" i gasped and shook my head.

"No she didn't say but i think we should ask her just to be safe" i nodded and we left the room and went into Hazel's room to see Violet alone on the bed.

"Violet?" She sat up and looked at me.

"I need to ask you something okay?" She nodded

"How many times did it happen?"

"Every night up until graduation" she answered and looked away.

"Okay and do you know if he used protection?"

"He didn't he said that he needed to feel all of me" she cringed as those words left her mouth.

"Violet honey, did he ever finish inside you?" I asked softly she gasped and looked back at me.

"I-i yeah almost every time, you don't think i could be pregnant do you i mean i haven't gotten my period yet but we traveled half way across the world and I've been stressed out about all this that could be why right?"

"I don't know sweetheart but we're going to buy you a test so we can see okay?"

"I-i I'm sorry this is all one big mess i should have said no harder i should have told my mom and dad" she started sobbing.

"Should have said no to what Vi?" Hazel asked from the door and we all turned to look at her.

"Hazel I-i'm sorry i-" Hazel walked up to her and held her face in her hands.

"You didn't cheat did you baby?" Violet shook her head.

"Someone hurt you didn't they?" She nodded and cried harder.

"Shh it's okay I'm right here and I'm not leaving, you don't have to explain it now we can just lay here and I'll hold you okay?" She nodded and clung to Hazel sobbing her heart out.

Danny and I walked up to the bed and kissed Violet's head.

"We'll be back later okay?" Hazel nodded and we left to go to the pharmacy and get her a pregnancy test.

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