Chapter 32

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It's been a little over three weeks and Danny has been getting better she's more aware of her surroundings and she talks a lot more sense she doesn't get confused anymore . The doctor said that there is no permanent psychological damage and the baby is doing well too. Danny and i decided to keep the baby since neither of us had the heart to abort it. The kids and i have been coming by everyday during visiting hours since Danny insisted i go home with them. I'm on my way to her room now the kids are at school now and i come by when they are there for the afternoon visiting hours. I walked into her room with a smile on my face but my smile fell as soon as i saw Danny holding a bed pan in front of herself throwing up i rushed over to her and held her hair back and rubbed her back with my free hand.

After she finished i wiped her mouth and gave her a piece of gum and took the bed pan out of the room so the nurses could empty it. I walked back inside and sat down next to Danny i tried to give her a kiss but she turned her head away and i ended up kissing her cheek i frowned and looked at her questioningly.

"I'm starting to remember my time with Amber and Georgia." She whispered looking away from me.

"I'm sorry baby " i said and gently took hold of her hand.

"It was so awful it hit me like a wave and it kept on coming and coming and i couldn't make it stop...i started having a panic attack because of it that's why i threw up" she looked at me with teary eyes and i felt my heart clench in my chest.

"I want it to go away" she whimpered.

"Can i hug you?" I asked gently ...she nodded rapidly as a sob escaped her mouth.

I immediately sat down closer to her and hugged her...she fell limp against me and just sobbed i started crying too i promised to keep her safe and i failed and now I'm holding a shell of who Danny used to be.

"What did you remember baby?"

"The day after they took me...they tied me to an X-frame and just went to town on me with everything they had..every toy,every whip . It's like i was watching but unable to do anything as i watched myself get used like some sort of plaything"

"I'm so so so sorry baby " i whispered in her ear and she turned to look at me

"Kiss me " she whispered and i was hesitant but did it anyway. I kissed her softly for a few seconds before pulling away.

"You're softer than they were" she whispered laying her head on my chest.

"I'll always be softer than they were" i replied and hugged her a little tighter.

"Can you stay with me tonight...please i get out tomorrow and i don't want to be alone "

"Of course I'll stay with you Angel" i replied kissing her forehead gently.

"Love?" I hummed telling her i was listening.

"Can you maybe stop calling me baby can call me anything but baby ,its just they called me baby all the time and it...i don't know it just doesn't feel right anymore"

"I can do that" i replied and kept holding her humming her a song i wrote for her while she was gone watching as she fell asleep.


I was sitting in my english class when i felt something hit the back of my head ,it landed on my desk in front of me and i picked up the ball of paper and unfolded it to see what was inside ...big mistake.

"Hey fatty how's life out of inpatient...did they have to give you a bunch of drugs to keep you from going off the rails"

I sighed a d crumpled up the paper again throwing it in my bag lucky for me the bell rang and it was the last period i walked straight to my locker where i meet Violet everyday, when i reached my locker she was leaning against it with a smile on her face i walked right into her body and she wrapped her arms around me holding me tightly.  I sighed everything else seemed to fade away and nothing else mattered.

"What happened?" Violet asked..i hate how she can always see what i feel.

"What makes you think something happened?"

"Your pulling on the hem of my shirt you always do that when you're triggered so tell me what happened"

"Nothing major just a note from Kelsey and her crew don't worry about it" i answered and looked up at her. She gave me a peck and tried to pull away but i pulled her back for one more .

"Get a room you dykes"  Kelsey said as she walked passed us making sure to shove me as she did.

"Ignore her" Violet whispered to me and i nodded and grabbed my books from my locker before closing it grabbing Violet's hand walking away with my head held high.

We got to the parkinglot and hopped in Violet's car driving off towards my house where we would hang out for a bit before i go to visit momma.

"Thank you" i said to Violet as she drove

"For what?"

"For talking me down i could've gotten in some serious shit if you didn't "

"Don't worry about it that's why I'm here" she said before kissing my knuckles.

Violet and i hung out at my house for a while waiting for Asher to come back after football practise. We did our homework first then we ended up watching a movie we were cuddled up on the couch and i turned around in Violet's arms and kissed her. She kissed back and we just enjoyed the moment our lips moving in sync as we did.

Violet turned us over so i was straddling her waist and she moved her hands down to my ass and squeezed it making me let out an soft moan. I immediately pulled back and blushed

"Shit sorry i got carried away"  Violet said as she sat up.

"No it's fine it just caught me off guard i replied with a blush.

The front door opened and i got off of Violet and sat next to her and Elijah and Asher came walking in. After they changed i said my goodbyes to Vi and she went home and we headed to the hospital with grandma.

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