Chapter 73

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It's been two days since we went to the doctor and things have already been going better, Ava doesn't struggle to nurse that much anymore and the lumps have already gotten smaller and they're not as tender anymore either. Asher and Hazel are coming home today and we're so excited for them to be back , they're gonna be home for three weeks before they move into their dorms at school , it's going to bed hard not having them around all the time. I took a breath to stop myself from getting emotional over this and looked down at my baby girl we've been doing a lot better lately i followed my moms advise and tried to be a little more patient with her and myself and thigs have been going great.  I laid her down in her swing and walked into the kitchen where Ash is , she was sitting o the counter scrolling on her phone i walked up to her nd moved so i was standing in between her legs , she wrapped them around me and i smiled up at her. She leaned down and pecked my lips. 

"You okay baby?" i asked playing with her necklace.

"Yeah i just hope Asher and Hazel get home okay"

"They'll be fine baby" i whispered placing gentle kisses on her neck . 

"Baby that tickles" she giggled 

"You're cute" i laughed and kissed her nose.

"So are you" she replied and kissed me  

The pups started barking at the front door and we went to go check it out and saw Hazel's car turn into the driveway, we  made quick work of getting the pups i the backyard and ran back towards the door opening it running outside. We ran up to her car and hugged her tightly as soon as she got out she laughed and wrapped her arms around us. 

"Welcome home baby , you have to tell us everything " Ash rambled and we smiled and puled away from her. 

I looked to my side and saw Violet standing by the other door, she looked nervous but Hazel already explained that they talked things out and that Violet was having a hard time at home , it still doesn't make what she did right but she made a mistake and i am a firm believer in second chances. 

I walked over to her and embraced her in a hug she was stiff as a board for a minute or two before she relaxed and returned the hug.

"I'm so sorry about hurting her Mrs. Frangipane" she said softly and i hugged her tighter.

"It's in the past, don't worry about it Hun we're not mad at you, you're just kids and you do stupid things from time to time , just don't ever do this particular stupid thing to my baby girl ever again"

"I promise i won't" i nodded and let her go. 

"Come on in guys you must be exhausted from the trip" Ash said grabbing Hazel's hand taking her inside while Violet and i trailed behind. 


I walked inside with Hazel and Elijah came running down the stairs and crashed into her , he laughed and wrapped her arm around her brother 

"I'm so happy you're home come on i want you to meet someone" he rambled and grabbed her hand dragging her to the backdoor.

"Awhh you guys got puppies they're so cute" she said crouching down letting them smell her hands 

"Yeah that's Luna and that's Blue" he said as he proudly pointed to each pup , by now they were both on Hazel's lap.

"Baby come look at the puppies" she yelled as she looked back towards the inside of the house. 

Violet came walking out o to the back porch and Elijah got up and hugged her, he really likes Violet because she's never complained when he asked her to play video games with him and she listens to him when he rants on about the solar system for hours on end.

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