Chapter 72

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I got home from picking Elijah up from school and he rushed into the livingroom to greet Danny , she smiled softly at him he hugged his mother and whispered something in her ear that i couldn't hear but she smiled and hugged him tighter, after their little interaction Elijah went to his room to do homework while i helped Danny get ready for her appointment.

I picked out an outfit for her while she fed Ava it was a struggle but eventually after an hour Ava was finally full so i changed her diaper while Danny got dressed and did her hair. Once we were dressed and ready we hopped in the car and headed towards doctor Julia . I was a little worried about bringing Elijah along but we didn't want to leave him home alone. Danny was obviously very nervous she was biting and pulling on her cuticles a nervous habit she picked up recently, i grabbed her hand and held it so she wouldn't hurt herself too badly. She gave me a grateful smile and squeezed my hand as a thank you.

Once we reached the doctor's office we stepped out of the car and i grabbed Ava's carrier while Danny walked with her arm wrapped around Elijah's shoulder. We stepped into the building and made our way to the front desk to check in , doctor Julia decided early retirement isn't what she wanted so she came out of retirement a few months ago. We walked back into her office and sat down in front of her she smiled warmly and we exchanged pleasantries.


I'm nervous to be seeing doctor Julia today Ash doesn't know this but the other day i found a lump on both of my breasts and their really tender and one even started getting a little red . Once we greeted one another i walked back into the ultrasound room with doctor Julia so we could talk in private i told Ash i didn't want to upset Elijah which wasn't a total lie i just also didn't want her to know I've been hiding this from her. Once she closed the door i got up on the bed and she sat down on a chair and wheeled it over sitting in front of me.

"So Danny what's been going on?"

"About a week ago i found a lump on both of my breasts and they are really tender and swollen and one is turning red and i just got so scared by it but i tried to ignore it" i said while fiddling with my fingers.

"Okay, well then would you mind if i check it out and see what's going on?" I shook my head no and she nodded gesturing for me to lay down so i took off my shirt and bra laying down on the bed.

"Oh yeah i see " she commented and gently touched the lumps moving them to see if they would move around or not.

"I'm gonna take a peek with the ultrasound machine okay? "

"Okay" i got even more scared and she grabbed some ultrasound gel and applied it on both breasts and used the wand to see what they were.

"Oh.." she started with a look of relief on her face.

"Oh...what's oh" i asked turning to look at the screen.

"Danny, you have nothing to worry about it's just two of your milk ducts that got a little clogged up and their putting pressure on the others that's why your milk is coming in slow and why your daughter is having trouble nursing"

"Thank God" i whispered more to myself than to her.

"Yep so I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine to help clear up the clog , but what you mostly need to do is try and let Ava nurse more regularly and don't worry these meds won't affect your milk in the slightest and it's still perfectly safe for you to breastfeed while taking these pills. It's a twelve day course so take one pill every morning and one every night for 12 days and the problem should clear up"

"Thank much really" i smiled and started putting on my bra and shirt again while she walked out.

As soon as the doctor was outside Ash stepped into the room cautiously. I smiled at her and she took a breath.

"What did she say?" She asked approaching me slowly.

"I have two clogged milk ducts that's why my milk is coming in so slowly and why Ava has trouble nursing, she gave me some meds to help clear the clogs"

"Oh well that's good, we can pick up the meds on our way home then" Ash smiled and pecked my lips, i felt a sudden wave of guilt hit me and i sighed.

"What's wrong baby?" Ash asked tucking some hair behind my ear.

"I um i have to tell you something "

"You can tell me anything baby you know that" she smiled gently at me and i felt even worse.

"Okay so um the other day when Ava was nursing i had to massage my breast to help her and i felt a lump i have one on both of my breasts but i got so scared because i know breast cancer runs in my family and i didn't tell you because i was scared and I'm sorry but i was freaking out and i didn't know what to do or how to tell you I'm so sorry" i said with tears in my eyes, i felt like an ass for hiding it from her but i was just so scared.

"Baby look at me" Ash said as she raised my head to look at her.

"I'm not mad and i understand that you were scared but you need to tell me these things...this time it was nothing major but next time it might not be so i need you to tell me things like this okay?"

"Okay i really am sorry i just didn't know-"

"Shh it's alright baby" Ash said cutting off my rambling.

We hugged and Ash stroked my hair helping me calm down. And once i was calm we walked out and thanked doctor Julia for her help and went home after i picked up my prescription from the pharmacy.

Once we got home we decided to have a lazy evening and we ordered Chinese food and just watched movies after we helped Elijah finish his homework, i decided i would pump for Ava's next feeding just to make it a little easier on both of us for the night. And when Ash and i went to bed i took one of the pills doctor Julia prescribed and got in bed with Ash cuddling as close to her as i possibly could and fell asleep feeling safer and more relaxed than i have in a while.

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