Chapter 67

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We got up early and got ready to go out to the dog shelter to see if we could find a dog we liked , we decided to adopt a dog that was in need of a good home instead of just buying one from a breeder. Elijah was so excited about it when we told him what we were planning he wouldn't stop talking about it. He already picked out names if it's a boy he wants to name him Blue and if we get a girl he wants to name her Luna . Once we were showered nd ready we woke Elijah up so he could get ready while i made breakfast and Danny got Ava ready. 

Once everyone was set to go we hopped in the car and started driving to the dog shelter , it was quite a long drive but i'm sure it's going to be worth it when we find the perfect pup to add to our family. We played some music in the car and just hung out and played games like i spy and so on just to pass the time and by the time we got to the shelter Elijah was so excited he could barely contain himself. once we got Ava in the carrier we went inside , i already called ahead so they know that we're coming in today and we told them that we are looking for a pitbull or pitbull mix breed so they put them all in one room but if we don't find one wed think will suit our family we are going to look at other dogs too. We walked inside as the woman spoke i looked at all the dogs in the cages and so did Elijah but none of them caught his eye. 

"And over here we have two pups their mother was run over by a car and they are the only two in the litter that survived after that, how they did that we don't know but here they are." she said pointing to the cage , Elijah looked at me and i nodded so he crouched down by the cage and the two trembling pups looked over at him.

They started barking and wagging their tails running up and licking his fingers.

"That's the first time i've seen them so excited  " the worker commented as she watched them .

"Baby i know we were only planning on getting one dog but just look at them how can we not take both of them home?" i asked looking at how Elijah was interacting with the two pups who were now out of the cage and jumping all over him licking his face.

"Alright we can get them both" Danny said with a smile 

"Yayy!" i cheered like an excited child , what can i say i love dogs and getting two pups is  even better than getting one . 


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I looked at Elijah and smiled i haven't seen him this happy in a while maybe these dogs will be good for him too. I called him over and his smile seemed to fall a little bit but he came over nonetheless.

"Yes momma?" he said with a twinge of sadness in his voice, thinking we were going to make him choose between the two.

"I know mommy and i said we were only here to get one dog...but "

"Oh thank you , thank you, thank you" he said hugging me and then his mom, the woman smiled and told us she would start the paperwork and that we could just come and sign for them once we were ready. 

I grabbed Luna while Elijah took Blue and we moved to the front of the shelter and both Danny and i signed the adoption paperwork and went on our merry way to the nearest pet store to get some collars and leashes for the pups as well as some dog food and treats to train them with. And we couldn't leave without getting them some beds and toys too. After Elijah and i got everything we needed from the store we went back out to the car and got in and started our drive home . I looked back and saw Elijah had the biggest smile on his face as he petted his new friends.

"They're going to be good for him" Danny said softly taking a hold of my hand 

"Yes they are" i replied kissing her knuckles. 

Once we got home we set up a corner where the pups would be sleeping using some baby gates, we put their beds and food bowls down in the corner and took them out to the backyard so thy could explore , we don't mind having dogs inside the house but they are still young and very destructive so we would prefer having them outside for the majority of the day. We watched fondly as Elijah played with the pups laughing and having fun, i missed seeing him like this 


 I looked at my baby boy and i knew getting these dogs was the best decision we could have made, i missed hearing him laugh out of his belly and i missed seeing him run around and play. I watched the three of them fondly then turned my attention to Ash kissing her cheek. She smiled and kissed my forehead and i aid my head on her shoulder and we watched them play outside for a bit before calling them inside so we could get the pups fed and bathed. 

We walked up into the bathroom and filled the tub about a quarter of the way with luke warm water and got the pups in the water grabbing some tick and lice doggy shampoo and lathering them up with it , they seemed to really be liking this , Blue even sat down ad let Ash wash and scrub him all over , once we deemed the clean enough we got them out and into some towels and dried them off , before taking them into our room and using the hairdryer to blowdry their hair some more so they would be nice and dry before we let them downstairs. Luna loved the feeling of the  hairdryer blowing on her where blue on the other hand kept trying to bite the air that was blowing on him . 

After we got the pups fed and into their sleeping corner we ordered some food and ate, Eli was all tuckered out so we put him to bed and kissed him goodnight ,  i went downstairs to check on the pups and they were passed out on one bed cuddled close to each other , i smiled and headed up to bed crawling in next to Ash laying my head on her chest drifting off to sleep happy and content at how our day turned out.

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