Chapter 40

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My moms went up to bed a few hours and we're all down here watching movies ..we decided to do a Harry Potter marathon since Violet has never seen any of the Harry Potter movies i was laying with my head on her chest as she ran her fingers up and down my back it was nearing 2 Am and we're on the last movie of the bunch i looked to my side and saw both of the boys passed out on their mattress i looked up and saw Violet looking down at me smiling widely.

"What ya doing?" She asked and i couldn't help but smile at her.

"I was just checking to see if the boys were still awake" i answered and she nodded.

"I never thought i would say this but Harry Potter is actually a great movie series"

"I told you." I smiled victoriously

"Did i tell you that you're beautiful today?" She asked and i smiled.

"Only like a hundred times" i smiled

"Well you really are beautiful " she whispered.

"So are you." I replied.

"Would it be weird if i kissed you while your brothers are right there?" She asked amused.

"No but just a quick kiss if we made out then it would be weird" i giggled lightly

Violet leaned in slowly and captured my lips in a short but sweet kiss and we smiled once we pulled apart.

"Good night Hazel " she whispered

"Night Vi" i whispered back laying my head on her chest after i shut off the tv.

She kept running her fingers up and down my back till i fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Danny's been screaming and crying it's dark and i can't find her anywhere then suddenly i heard a baby cry...our baby

"No please don't hurt her she's just a baby...NO PLEASE!" She yelled.

"Danny where are you baby..please tell me where you are"

"PLEASE STOP SHE'S JUST A BABY" i heard a snap and then the crying stopped.

"Ash baby wake up it's just a dream come on" i heard Danny say she didn't sound as panicked anymore.

"Ash wake up please" i felt her shake my shoulder and i gasped and sat up in bed .

I looked over and saw Danny had turned on the light on her nightstand i looked at her face and she looked at me sympathetically. I felt myself tear up and she pulled me into her chest and allowed me to cry.

"Shh baby it was just a dream"

"I-it felt so real i couldn't find you were screaming and crying and our baby was too and then there was a snap and she just stopped"

"It's okay baby we're okay" she whispered as she held me.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" i said as i wiped my eyes.

"Don't be sorry it wasn't your fault it was just a bad dream" i nodded and cuddled into her further she reached over and turned off the lamp holding me and stroking my back.

"Want to listen to her heart a little bit?" Danny asked and i nodded feverishly, she got up and grabbed the fetal heart monitor we bought and brought it over laying back down.

She put the monitor to her stomach and moved it around till she found the right spot, i closed my eyes and listened to her little heart beating i ran my hand over Danny's belly and kissed it.

"I love you baby girl and i won't let anyone hurt you" i whispered we heard her heartbeat speed up a little and i panicked.

"No shh it's okay she's just excited because she can hear you" Danny assured me and i nodded .

We put everything away and laid down to get some more sleep. I kissed Danny a few times before setting down with my hand on her belly like i do every night.


I woke up cause i had to use the bathroom and when i tried to go back to sleep i couldn't so i made my way into the kitchen to get some  warm milk and as i was heating it up Violet walked into the kitchen but she didn't look like she was awake.

"Violet?" She didn't respond just kept looking at the back door, she was starting to freak me out so i went into the livingroom to wake Hazel up.

"Hazel wake up Violet is in the kitchen and she's freaking me out"

"What why?" She asked groggily

"She's just standing there looking at nothing" 

"Shit okay don't worry she's just sleepwalking I'll go get her" i walked behind my sister watching as she slowly made her way over to Violet.

"Vi let's go back to bed" she told her softly before guiding her back to the livingroom laying her down on their mattress. Violet seemed to settle completely and just turned on her side.

I sighed in relief and walked back to the kitchen for my milk grabbing some vanilla essence too.

"Can't sleep?" Hazel asked while grabbing some water out of the fridge

"No but I'll be fine after i drink this" i said holding up my cup

"Angel's milk" Hazel smiled and i nodded.

"Momma used to make that for me all the time when i was younger and couldn't sleep it's the best thing in the world" she smiled at the memory

"Yeah it really is what do you think ,are we getting a brother or a sister?" I asked

"I think it's going to be a girl "

"You're so wrong it's totally gonna be a boy" i replied and she laughed.

"Whatever squirt ..sweet dreams" she came over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss in the head.

"Sweet dreams Hazel and keep your girlfriend in bed please "

"Hey could you maybe not tell her she scared you tomorrow she's gonna feel really bad about it but it's just something that happens sometimes and she can't control it"

"I promise i won't say anything " i zipped my lips and she smiled and thanked me heading back to bed .

After i finished my milk i rinsed out my cup climbing back into bed after i turned off all the lights and drifted off to sleep.

Angel's milk really does work every time.

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