Chapter 39

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I'm so happy Ash and i found out we're having another little girl we have to go shopping for all new baby stuff because we were not planning on having more kids after Elijah so we gave all their old baby stuff to a local orphanage that needed them. We just left the doctor's office and we're on our way to babies 'r us right now to pick up a few things before we go home. We're planning on surprising the twins and Elijah  with the gender of their new sibling once we have the nursery set up and ready.

We pulled into the parking lot at Babies R Us and practically ran inside because we were so excited. We walked around for a bit looking at some cribs and changing tables first . But since we wouldn't have time to set them up before we had to pick up the kids we went to the clothes isle. We picked out a few outfits for her to wear in the hospital. Her due date is November 23rd so it's going to be pretty cold that time of year . Weather in LA is mostly nice and warm but usually it gets a little colder from November to March it's not that much colder it feels like most autumn's would feel in other places but for a newborn it's going to be pretty cold.

I'm excited because she's being born exactly one month after Hazel and Asher were born and Elijah's birthday is in March so they're birthdays are pretty close together. We walked down the isle and i spotted a little white and pink bunny onesie i walked over and got one in a new born size and went over to Ash to show her. She was looking at some breastpads and stuff i would be needing for the hospital.

"Baby look" i cooed as i held up the onsie for her to see.

"Aww that's adorable you have to get it" she responded and i smiled .

We got the few outfits and some typical baby products and some breastpads and stuff and a few pacifiers we bought a crib and a changing table too and arranged that they deliver them on Monday morning while the kids are at school.

We also picked up a new baby swing like the twins had and a co-sleeping crib too . After we got everything for today we headed home to put the stuff away in the empty guest room luckily for us we got rid of the bed we had in here we wanted to convert this into a little reading room for Hazel but we'll figure something else out for her. I smiled as i put all the bags in the closet i can't wait for her to get here and to be able to hold her little hands and watch her grow up.

Ash wrapped her arms around my waist so i turned around to look at her .

"Can you believe we're doing this all over again...the late nights,teething,crying,diapers oh god the diapers" Ash giggled as she rested her forehead against mine.

"I know it's all so surreal..are you happy about it tho i never really asked how you felt on this"

"I'm so unbelievably happy and i don't want you to doubt that for a second okay?" I nodded and kissed Ash.


It felt so right to be able to kiss Danny again without her ending up in tears we kissed for what felt like hours before she pulled away breathing a little heavier . She looked into my eyes and i saw it the sparkle that has been gone ever since she got back. The sparkle that could light up my darkest days was back i smiled and kissed her again hugging her as close as i possibly could

"I love you" i mumbled against her lips.

"I love you more" she replied and i picked her up and held her against the wall. Just before things got to heated my alarm went off signaling it was time to pick up the kids.

I whined and Danny giggled tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Don't worry baby we have all the time in the world" she said as i placed her back on the ground

I grabbed her hand as we went down to the car and headed to pick up Elijah and the twins .

We picked Elijah up first and as soon as he got in the car he started asking what gender the baby is.

"We don't know buddy the baby wasn't in the right position for us to see so the doctor said she would try again next time we go " he finally nodded and left it there telling us about his day at school.

Soon enough we pulled into the parking lot at Hazel and Asher's school and they made their way over to the car Violet is spending the weekend at our house she and Hazel made it official a few days ago..we don't normally allow the kids to go out on weekdays but Violet explained the plan she had in mind so we allowed it. 

They hopped in the car and just like Elijah they asked what the baby's gender is. We gave them the same answer and they pouted but accepted it anyway.

"So what do you guys want to do tonight?" I asked.

"How about a movie night?" Hazel suggested, everyone liked that idea and agreed.

"Sound great we can make a huge bed in the livingroom for you guys so you can all sleep down there we're pretty tired so we'll probably turn in early" they nodded and smiled Violet kissed Hazel on the cheek and i smiled at their cuteness.

Once we got home we set up their beds in the livingroom with the help of the boys since Danny wasn't allowed to lift heavy things. We made mac and cheese for dinner and gave the kids a bunch of snacks and drinks for the night . We watched one movie with them before heading up to bed while they continued their little movie marathon. I smiled when i saw Hazel and Violet cuddling and we bid them all good night heading upstairs.

Danny and i got changed and she finally felt comfortable enough to only wear underwear and an over sized t-shirt like she used to. I smiled as she cuddled into me . I ran my hand over her belly and kissed her goodnight and we fell asleep happy and content.

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