Chapter 26

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I got home with the kids they called me and told me Ash never came to pick them up which i found really strange i thought something happened to her but when i walked into the house she was sitting at the piano staring into space with tear stains on her face i nodded in the direction of the stairs silently telling the kids to go up to their rooms they nodded and left me to it, i approached Ash slowly and carefully trying not to scare her .

"Baby.." i said softly and got no reply

"Love?" I said once again placing my hand on her shoulder she jumped and turned to look at me fresh tears forming in her eyes.

"Y-you're home came home" she stated before jumping into my arms.

"Yeah i did just like i said i would what's going on why are you crying?"

"I got these weird messages from an unknown number a-and they said they were gonna take you away from me " she sobbed out holding on to me tighter.

"Oh baby no I'm okay...I'm right here it's okay"  i tried to soothe her but nothing was working she kept pulling at my shirt trying to get closer to me.

"Okay baby hold on up we go" i said as i picked her up and carried her to our room locking the door i got undressed only leaving my panties on and stipped Ash out of her clothes too.

I laid her down and settled next to her pulling her against me so our chests were pressed firmly against one another and i felt her take a deep breath.

"Hazelnut breeze" she whispered.

"What?" I asked confused

"You've been using the same body wash for 16 years ...hazelnut breeze " she whispered finally relaxing .

I kept on holding her after i told the kids to order out and that we were fine and that their mom just needed some rest. Ash fell asleep against me and i decided to check her phone to see where the messages were coming from i immediately recognised the number's Amber's number and i inly know her number because she was my PA while Lilah was on maternity leave two years ago. I sighed and decided i would sort all of this out tomorrow but for now i needed to be here for Ash.

I untangled  myself from Ash slipping in some comfy clothes to check on the kids. They were fine just concerned about their mom but i assured them that she was fine and that they didn't need to worry. I sat in the livingroom and waited for the food to come when all of the sudden u heard Ash yell for me from upstairs, i ran upstairs and into our room to see our balcony door wide open and a terrified Ashley in the corner of the room i ran up to her and hugged her trying to calm her down.

"What happened baby"

"T-there was someone standing by our bed with a knife and they just kept looking at me but i yelled for you and they left through there" she said pointing at the balcony.

"Okay calm down baby we'll call the police so they can come take a look it's alright "

"Don't leave me baby please i know I'm not perfect and I'm sorry i can't be just please don't leave me for her"

"Are you guys getting a divorce is momma cheating?" Hazel asked coming into the room

"What,no! Bug please just wait outside I'll explain everything in a minute just please j need to get your mother calmed down first"  she nodded and left.

"Baby look at are the love of my life and i would never ever leave you for anyone i haven't even looked at another woman in all the time we've been together i love you so much it hurts please baby you have to believe me" i pleaded tears forming in  my own eyes.


I did believe it ,i believed every word i just pulled Danny closer and hugged her crying into her neck . I was scared not if Danny leaving but if someone taking her from me like last time ..i would lose my mind if something like that were to happen again. And whoever it was at the foot of our bed left a note i didn't show it to Danny tho.

"Tick tock ...5 days cupcake"  

That's all nothing more ...what happens in 5 days i need to know and i need to keep Danny safe by all means necessary i pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes.

"Promise me no matter what you would live me always and come back to me no matter where we are"

"I promise baby" she replied confidently and i nodded and kissed her.

We stayed like that for a while and then we went downstairs i told the kids i had a nightmare where Danny left me for another woman and that nothing was actually going on and no one was cheating . We waited for the food to come but i was restless every little noise scared me and i nearly jumped through the roof when i heard the doorbell ring

It was the police they did a perimeter search and cleared the whole property then found nothing but a black beanie they decided to take it to the labs for testing and DNA sampling .

That night as we went to bed i watched as Danny slept i watched her i checked up on the kids throughout the night and i waited for something, anything or anyone to make their presence known so that i could personally fucking kill them for trying to mess with my family . I lost Danny once and i am not letting it happen again .

I looked to my side as Danny stirred and she sat up and looked over at me .

"Baby you've been restless all night please lay down and get some sleep" she pleaded and i nodded and laid down allowing her to hold me but i didn't sleep i stayed awake listening to every little sound outside , every breath Danny took and every steady beat of her heart . She's my baby and no one is going to take her from me

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