Chapter 35

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Things have been going a little better at home nowadays momma is getting better too she's having more good days than bad her morning sickness isn't that bad either. Elijah on the other hand has been acting up lately he was caught skipping class yesterday and when mom and momma grounded him he yelled at them and said her hated them it made momma really sad she actually cried for two hours straight, and he still hasn't apologised. I don't know what's going on with him but it needs to stop and soon otherwise things will be said that could've been avoided and feelings will be hurt .

I took it upon myself to try and talk to him so i brought him to the mall and we just finished up in the arcade and we're having waffles at the food court now i took a deep breath and cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Wanna tell me what's been going on lately?" I asked raising a brow at him. He just shrugged

"Come on Eli we can't make anything better if you don't tell us what's wrong" he sighed and pushed a strawberry around on his plate i grabbed his free hand and squeezed it.

"It doesn't matter can we just go home please"

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me what's been going on " i retaliated.

"It's nothing just drop it" 

"No i won't just drop it Elijah you're acting out in school and you made momma cry when you told her you hate her she just wants what's best for you " i said raising my voice slightly ...his shoulders slumped and he looked up at me.

"I made mom cry? " he asked and i nodded.

"I didn't mean to"

"But you did want to hurt her " i stated and he shook his head.

"I would never hurt her on purpose i was just upset because..."

"Because?" I asked gently

"Because she's replacing me with a new baby " he stated with a sniffle.

"Oh Eli no she would never do that she loves you so much...she loves all of us ..why would you think that?"

"Because that's what Erick told me...remember i was late to school the other day because we had to wait for momma to stop throwing up?" I nodded

"Well momma wrote a note to my teacher to tell her that and she said it was fine and she asked me if momma and the baby are doing okay and Erick must have heard us talking because when i sat down he told me that momma was replacing me because she doesn't love me anymore"

"Oh Eli no momma still loves you very much they just decided they want another baby that's all nobody is getting replaced they just wanted to add another member to our family that's all" i assured him running my thumb over his knuckles.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise " he nodded and wiped his eyes.

"Let's go home you gotta go apologise to mom and momma" he nodded and i paid for our food getting up and leaving after i texted mom to come pick us up.


Hazel and Elijah just got home from the mall and I'm laying on the couch watching a movie. Elijah walked into the room and sat down next to me he seemed kind of sad so I sat up and hugged him pulling down so we could cuddle, he turned around and laid his face in my neck and i stroked his back he obviously has something he wants to get off his chest.

"Mom can i ask you something?"

"Of course sweetheart"

"Do you still love me..."

"I love you more than anything else in this world...why would you ask me that?"

"Well because you went away for a long time and then you came back with another baby in your tummy and i just wanted to know...i know I've been bad a lot lately but I'll be better i promise"

"Elijah i need you to listen to me i am not replacing you with this new baby we're just adding another member to our family... i still love you just as much as the day you were born and I'm glad you want to be better i don't like having to punish you for being bad"

"I don't really hate you mom" he whispered.

"I know baby but just don't say that when you get mad at me okay? It hurts my feelings"

"I won't i promise"

"Okay thank you, now do you want to go play or stay here with me ?"

"I'll stay with you for a bit" he answerd cuddling into me more.

We continued to watch the movie till it finished and after that we made dinner and ate together as a family Elijah apologised to Ash too for yelling at her and we all went to bed peacefully knowing everything was sorted out .

As Ash and i laid down in bed i looked at her and she smiled at me.

"Kiss me" i whispered Ash hesitated before kissing me softly.

"C-can we try?" I asked with a glimmer of hope in my heart.

"Of course I'll go slow i promise" i nodded and went back to kissing Ash she rubbed my sides softly and squeezed my hips knowing i loved when she did that.

She slid her hand downward resting it on my inner thigh she gently nudged my leg telling me silently to open them and i did she slid her hand higher stopping just before she reached my core. I moved my hips forward telling her to continue she gently moved her hand forward cupping me through my pants and underwear...i gasped and moved away from her everything suddenly too much Ash jumped and sat up with me.

"I'm sorry angel I'm so sorry" she apologised.

"No it's okay really but i think that's enough for one night" i said as i ran a hand through my hair .

"I understand like i said we can take it slow" i smiled at her and laid down beside her.

I patted the spot next to me and Ash laid down too leaving some space between us. I quickly moved into her and held her i know this is as hard for her as it is for me. I inhaled her sent before speaking.

"I'm sorry i led you on and couldn't give you what i promised"

"You didn't promise me anything you asked if we could try and we did now we know what your limit is for the time being it's okay angel just go to sleep yeah?"

"Thank you for still loving me "

"I will never stop loving you"

We closed our eyes and i allowed sleep to take over my body as i listened to the steady beat of Ash's heart.

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