Chapter 83

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I woke up and my head was pounding and i felt sick to my stomach, i got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up. When i finally emptied my stomach i laid down on the floor the cold tiles felt amazing against my burning skin i closed my eyes because it felt like the whole room was spinning around me, i sighed and took a few deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart. I felt someone shake my shoulder and jumped opening my eyes mom,momma and Hazel were all kneeling next to me with worried looks on their faces. I tried to focus my eyes but i couldn't.

"Asher , hey look at me right here baby" mom said and i turned my eyes to meet hers.

"What's wrong baby we were trying to wake you up but you wouldn't budge are you sick What's wrong?" Mom asked it felt like she was yelling and i winced and the sound of her voice.

"I'm fine i think i just ate something that didn't agree with me i don't know" i lied and got up angrily going to my room i have no idea why but I'm pissed at them all of them.

"Asher what's wrong i can't help if you don't tell me" mom said gently coming into my room.

"Nothing just get out and leave me alone" i snapped.

"Don't talk to your mother like that Asher" momma said from the door.

"Oh god just shut up and leave me alone..i don't feel good but i can handle myself just fine " i nearly yelled.

"That's it you're grounded, you won't be going anywhere for the rest of your summer break, i don't know what is going on with you but you can either talk to us about it or not but this attitude is not going to get you anywhere"

"Whatever can you just leave now" i said laying down on my bed covering my face with my pillow.

I heard them sigh and leave the room closing the door behind them, i grabbed my covers and pulled them over my body I'm so cold right now and my muscles are aching. Everything hurts,  i opened my eyes and looked at my nightstand i sat up and opened my drawer grabbing the bottle of pills popping two into my mouth swallowing them with some water. I laid back down and sighed waiting for it all to just go away.


I grabbed Asher some painkillers and water taking it up to his room  with some breakfast i set everything down on his nightstand i shook his shoulder lightly and he groaned.

"What!" He spat and i recoiled at his tone.

"I thought you might be hungry so i brought you breakfast" i said getting up and walking out of the door closing it behind me before he could say anything else.

I stood with my back pressed against his door and Danny came upstairs and walked over to me with a smile, but her face fell when she saw the look i had on mine.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked running her thumbs over the apples of mt cheeks.

"I'm worried about him he's not himself..he's never even looked at us in a mean way so why would he be snapping at us all of a sudden?" I asked and she sighed.

"I'm worried too baby and something was off with him at dinner last night too" she said and i watched as she thought to herself.

"Let's give him a little while to calm down and I'll come talk to him later, i feel kind of bad for grounding him" she admitted, i know Danny and she hates punishing the kids so it's always hard for her.

"Don't feel bad baby you did the right thing and you can talk to him but you can't go back on punishing him"  she nodded and pecked my lips taking my hand bringing me downstairs and into the livingroom where everyone was sitting doing their own thing. Violet and Hazel are leaving for their meeting with Violet's parents lawyer in a few minutes and Violet seems really sad about it.

We all just sat in silence for a while the last few days have been weird Danny won't let me touch her or see her naked for that matter, Asher is acting weird everything is just weird lately.  I looked over at Danny she was looking at her phone and picking at her lip something she did when she was focused.

"What ya reading baby?" I asked moving closer so i could see, but she just locked her phone tucking it under her leg.

"Nothing just an article" she said giving me a forced smile.

"About what?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"The stock market and stuff" she said i frowned getting up going to our room closing the door behind me.

Why would she lie to me what could she have been reading that she didn't want me to know about and why doesn't she want me to know about it. I sighed sitting on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands i heard the door open but i didn't look up.

"Are we gonna talk about it or are we just going to ignore each other?" Danny asked and i scoffed.

"I don't know why would we need to talk about the stock market?" I asked my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Come on baby don't be like that please" Danny asked soflty.

"I'm sorry i get a little sarcastic when i get lied to" i said harshly.

"I'm sorry okay!" Danny said her voice cracked as she spoke.

"Don't cry now, you lied to me not the other way around" i spat and she looked at me utterly shocked by my response.

"Why did you lie what could you possibly have been reading that i can't know about, or were you talking to someone else" i said and she looked at me wide eyed.

"Fuck you Ashley, you wanna know what i was reading , here take a look" she threw her phone next to me on the bed and stormed out of the room.

I unlocked her phone and it opened on the article she was reading i scrolled up to the top and read the title.

"Post partum vaginal healing" i sighed and rubbed my eyes..god dammit.

I scrolled down to where she was and read the line.

"...the vagina often will never be the same as before but there are options such as pelvic exercises and vaginal rejuvenation surgeries ect." I stopped reading and ran out of the room and downstairs she was gone and so was Ava and Elijah.

I found a note from Hazel on the kitchen  counter .

"Gone to the lawyer be back by 3 btw momma took Eli for ice-cream love you"  i sighed knowing Danny would be back soon since she took Elijah and Ava with her.

God i felt like an idiot, is that why she wouldn't let me touch her, because she was scared that i would think she's not...oh my god and i accused her of cheating my poor baby.

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