Chapter 30

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It's the day after we found Danny and officer Dawson called to tell me she was in her way here she had gotten both women to confess to everything they did to Danny , officer Dawson recorded it all and she wanted me to see the tape so i could know what to prepare myself for when Danny wakes up. I sighed and kissed her knuckles luckily she wasn't in any pain right now i just want all of this to be over with .

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and i looked to see officer Dawson standing there with her laptop and two sets of headphones . I signalled for her to come in and she came inside and put her laptop down on the table and walked over to the bed looking at Danny.

"How is she?" She asked slowly.

"Same as yesterday but she's alive and that's all that matters"

"Both of them are dead they tried to attack the officers that were escorting them back to the holding cells and they were shot and killed...we see it a lot criminals afraid of what's to come attack officers with the hope of being killed before they could pay for their crimes I'm so sorry"

"I'm not they got what they deserved i mean look at her she's battered and broken and we don't even know about the psychological damages yet " i said to comfort the woman in front of me.

"Right well on to the footage . I have to warn you they did some pretty fucked up shit..excuse my language" 

"I'm ready"  she plugged in the headphones and i put one pair on and she wore the other.

"What did you do to Danielle Frangipane?" Dawson asked Amber  intimidatingly she already seemed so nervous but now you could practically see her sweating.

"Nothing we didn't do anything" she did not sound convincing at all.

"I'm going to ask you one more time WHAT DID YOU DO TO DANIELLE FRANGIPANE!" Dawson yelled while slamming her hands down on the table in front of her and i flinched.

"We-we... i want my lawyer " she said and Dawson sighed and left the room.

After a few minutes she came back with no lawyer in sight . She sat down and folded her hands .

"Let's make a deal you tell me everything and i arrange that you testify against Georgia ..she gets a life sentence and you get a minimum sentence  " Amber sat up at the mention of this.

"Okay deal" she agreed almost immediately.

"Okay so tell me what you did to her"

"Well both Georgia and i fell in love with Danny i mean how could you not she's beautiful, smart and funny. Anyway when Georgia was in jail for stalking them we made a plan to kidnap her ,at first i broke into their house to scare Ashley after i texted her a bunch of strange messages and left her a note to tell her she had 5 days left.. then we waited a little over a month before actually going through with it because Georgia almost chickened out." She paused but Dawson signalled for her to continue.

"We picked the lock in their balcony door and snuck inside and drugged both Danny and Ashley with morphine so they wouldn't wake up and then we took Danny to the house you found us at.  Both of us raped Danny while she was passed out the first time and after she woke up we acted innocent like nothing had happened. And the following night after she fell asleep we gave her the first dose of  the psychedelic. We kept her drugged up and we raped her and beat her over and over again she was so out of it she couldn't feel a thing and her brain was so drugged out the only things she saw were the things we told her she was seeing..kind of like hypnosis. We couldn't feed her because she was too drugged out and two days before you found us we stopped giving her the drug because Georgia implanted one of Danny's fertilised eggs into her uterus because she wanted a baby with Danny and that's when she tried to escape and that's what caused the noise leading to the police being called"  she finished her story and i was in tears my poor baby i grabbed her hand and held it and officer Dawson stopped the video.

"Georgia's statement says the same thing just minor difference like who picked the lock and who gave the drugs nothing too different" i nodded and thanked her for showing me this she nodded and left after we talked about a few things and i looked down at the broken woman on the bed in front of me .

"I love you so much" i whispered and kissed her temple. She squeezed my hand and i gasped when i looked up at her she was still lying still as a stone. I sighed and laid my head down trying to get some rest.


They found momma but mom says we're not allowed to see her yet since she's still in a coma but the doctors are hopeful that she will make a full recovery. Elijah finally went to sleep and he's been sleeping for a solid three hours i think that's the most consecutive hours he's gotten since Momma went missing . Mom won't tell us what happened and something tells me that we don't really want to know whatever it is we know it's bad . But at least we got our momma back and now we can be a family again.

Hopefully mom is better now too she's been a wreck since momma left I've found her sleeping in a chair by the front door multiple times and each time i asked her about it she would just change the topic  but i knew she was waiting for momma to walk through the front door ...hell we all were. At least now she's safe and mom said we can see her as soon as she wakes up.

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