Didn't Need Him - Bucky Barnes

Start from the beginning

"Tell her I'm sorry and I love her," Steve said with a desperate tone. There was a pause and some muffled conversation that Steve couldn't catch. It was a rare occurrence that Steve can't hear the conversation—his superhearing would catch onto it easily. But this was different. Bucky or you had purposely blocked him out.

"She's not going to talk to you," Bucky said softly. "She said that she can't tell you that she loves you because—because she doesn't, but she wants you to take care of yourself."

He stopped at the door, staring at it for second as though he didn't know how to open it. He mulled over some words exchanged with you before he left.

"You said you'd never leave me, Steve!"

"I'm sorry—"

"NO! You don't get to fucking apologize!"


"I know you want peace, but Tony and Nat—"

"Tony got his happy ending!"


"YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT! I had to watch him die and find out that Nat died!"


"It sure doesn't seem like it, Rogers."

He huffed out a breath and opened the door, FRIDAY scanning him for biometrics. He held his breath as he took a few strides towards the lounge. Pepper had told him that the Compound had been built up just as it had been before. You, Bucky, and him had shared an apartment while the Compound was getting built.

"Steve! James! Get up, lazy bums!" You were loud for it being seven in the morning—and you weren't a morning person which both him and Bucky knew.

"Why is she so happy?" Bucky whispered to Steve as they both stepped out of their rooms. Steve shared with you while Bucky had his own.

"I have no clue," Steve whispered back with a slight shrug. He smirked when he caught the sight of you gliding through the kitchen, placing pancakes and bacon on three plates. Your eyes darted to the men, a grin plastered onto your face.

"What's got you so excited, doll?" Bucky asked, watching in amusement as he took a seat at the island. Steve sat down beside him, ignoring the weird feeling bubbling up in his stomach.

Your face lit up and Steve could swear you had never looked prettier. "It's Morgan's birthday! Pepper called and invited all of us." Your eyes flickered over to Bucky who looked down at his plate that you slid over to him, doing the same for Steve's plate. "Pepper found a recording of Tony that she wants you, James, to see."

The same feeling bubbled up in Steve and he found himself wanting to ask why Bucky didn't mind you calling him James. Usually he would correct the person, but you, he had never said anything. Maybe he just liked someone to calm by calling him James, like his mother used to.

Bucky nodded once, diving into his food to save himself from saying anything out loud.

He felt his stomach turn and flip, twisting into knots, upon seeing you. You were even more beautiful than he remembered. He watched you walk over to Morgan, who sat on the kitchen counter, surrounded with mission reports. You whispered something into her ear. She grinned and nodded vigorously, jumping slightly in her spot. He saw you grin before you turned around and froze in your spot.

Your eyes were glued to his, the pretty E/C eyes that he loved oh so much. The H/C hair that he used to weave his hands through, trying to relax the both of you. He watched your teeth dig into your lips he used to kiss whenever he wanted. He saw your hands clenching and unclenching, the same ones that used to hold on to his when the two of you danced through the apartment.

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