When Arthur instead took a step further in, it was like something snapped in Merlin’s mind, light leaving it for a darkness indicative of animalistic drive.

Arthur figured out Merlin was an omega only when he dropped to the floor on his hands and knees, plush ass up in a perfect display of presentation.

And after a bit of hauling the weight over his shoulder, he threw Merlin onto his bed and had his way with him, trip completely forgotten.

“Will you regret this, Merlin?”

Surprisingly, he’s lucid enough to shake his head. “Hah, n-no!”

“How do you know that? It’s only the heat that makes you this way.” Arthur huffed a hollow laugh even as he continued to thrust his thick cock into Merlin’s tight heat.

Merlin shakes furiously, looking up to Arthur’s eyes with a sparkle of something human in there. “Ma-mate.”


“M-my mate! Alpha! Arthur!”

Only then does Arthur realize it. The heavenly scent of Merlin’s slick wasn’t just because he was a pretty omega, no, it was because he was his. Destined to be his and his alone to own, take, fuck, breed.

“Yes,” Arthur seethes, “mine, all mine.”

He drives into Merlin a few more times, heart hammering with this revelation, before he cums inside of his warm body, knot forcing its way into his hole. He rips his teeth down and into Merlin’s pale skin right at the side of his neck, sinking his canines into his flesh until he’s rewarded with the tang of blood.

With the immense stretch of Arthur’s huge knot, Merlin cums around him with incomprehensible moans of alpha and Arthur and so on, spurting a few pitiful drops of cum onto the sheets before collapsing entirely, bringing Arthur down with him.

He pumps him full of seed, knot and cock twitching within him, spilling into his internal vagina and uterus connected to his hole, breeding him full so there was no way he wouldn’t catch given how he was deep into heat, had made Arthur rut so his load is almost impossibly massive.

“Are you going to be a good mum for our pups, Merlin?”

“Mm,” Merlin hums, slightly less delirious by the need to be fucked but more so by orgasmic bliss, “of course! How ever many th-there are: one, two, ten, twenty, I’ll mother them as so long as I have you to fuck me every night afterward.”

Arthur tugs on Merlin’s nipples as his hole continues to bear down on him in the throes of a prolonged orgasm, making him whine, muffled, into the bed.

The prince slides a large hand down to come over Merlin’s belly, feeling it slightly distended more than usual from both his enormous cock and tremendous amount of cum trapped inside of him, still coming.

“Hm, well it looks like it’s going to be at least triplets, Merlin…”

The omega just hmphs in acknowledgment beneath him. “Yes…”

He looks to Merlin’s throat, deep, sharp pin pricks of teeth marks obvious against his pale skin, small streams of blood leaking from some of the gashes.

As Arthur continues to fill him with endless amounts of cum, he realizes Merlin’s gone wholly still under him. Immediately, his mind jumps to that Merlin’s passed out from smothering himself in the blankets, and so grabs his face to turn him up.

Merlin snores loudly.

“Idiot.” Arthur rolls his eyes, testing his knot and sighing when he feels it still throbbing, still ejaculating, firmly seated inside of Merlin as it would be for probably half an hour now.

God, there was no way Merlin wouldn’t kill him when he woke up out of heat, was there?

But for now, Arthur ignores that fact, and manhandles his servant-mate like a doll, throws some silken sheets over the two of them in his giant bed and breathes in the vanilla sweet of his newly acquired cocksheath.

Mm, but yeah, Arthur thinks even as he feels slumber prick behind his closed lids, warmth covering his entire body. Merlin was definitely going to kill him when he woke up.

By DevilOfWire on ao3

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