"Oh my god, how was I back there? Did I sound intimidating?" Dylan asked frantically as he ran fingers through his sandy blonde, staring over at me through his light brown eyes.

"You did great, Dylan," I congratulated him, making my way towards Nathaniel's desk, but then something hanging on the wall above his chair suddenly caught my attention.

My eyes widened in shock, and a series of emotions ranging from embarrassment to happiness coursed through me as I continued staring up at the painting I drew at the beach that was hanging up high on the wall for everyone to see. I didn't know whether I should kill or kiss him when he got back, but despite my negative feelings about the painting, I was flattered he thought it was good enough to have in his office of all places.

"Did you paint that?" Dylan asked as he stared up at the odd painting with me.

I nodded silently, still wondering when Nathaniel managed to put it up there between being busy with work and me.


"It's horrible, but for some strange reason, he likes it," I mumbled, getting comfortable in his chair. "Anyway, I have two meetings scheduled for the day, so I need you to--"

"Join you and take notes," Dylan smiled. "I know the drill."

"Good," I nodded. "Once we're done with that, I need your help with something else that has nothing to do with work."

I wanted to fill him in on my plan to surprise Nathaniel with the museum knowing I'd need an extra set of hands, and Dylan was the perfect person to assist me, seeing that he knew how to get a job done efficiently without being told twice which is exactly what I needed for this project.

He nodded hesitantly, probably wondering what I could possibly need him for if it wasn't pertaining to work. Still, he agreed without question before leaving me alone in the office with the stack of files Nathaniel left for me.

I sighed heavily, running my fingers through my hair as I went through each file one by one, trying to memorize the names of his business partners who I'd soon be working with to close a few deals that were still in the works. After two hours had passed, I was only halfway through the stack when my phone rang loudly, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Do you like it?" Nathaniel's throaty voice filled my ear as soon as I answered the call, spreading goosebumps along my arm.

"No," I rolled my eyes, already knowing he was referring to my painting. "But thank you."

"Mm, how's work?"

"Busy as always, but thanks to Dylan, I don't have to focus on the tedious stuff."


"Dylan," I sighed. "My assistant, the one who's always with me."

I lost count of how many times I've reminded Nathaniel of his existence.

"Mm, did you eat breakfast?"

"Yes, Frank made sure of that thanks to a certain someone," I smiled as I fiddled with the pen sitting on the desk. "You know I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, right?"

"Mhm, it's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you," he answered without hesitation.

Heat immediately rushed to my cheeks, and I found myself hiding my face as if he could see me.

"I miss you," I whispered softly, clutching the phone tightly while blinking away the tears that threatened to escape.

"I miss you too, my love," he murmured, making it harder for me to conceal my emotions. "I'll be landing in a couple of hours, so I'll call you again when I settle down at the hotel."

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