28. Maybe or maybe not

Start from the beginning

We came out of the shop and she looked around. I looked at her amused. What is she upto?

“Golgappe khayenge?” She asked cheekily. I nodded, smiling.

Aditya! You are eating too much of the fast food. You will need to workout more. Ahh…! But what to do, I am just not able to say no. I don't even have a reason either. Kha hi lete hain…

We walked towards the stall. 

“Aditya… How about race?” My eyes widened.


“You lost even before starting… That's a good thing… I won…” She spoke with a proud smile.

“Fine… Let's race…” 

“Okay… Whosoever eats more, wins the race..” 


And here we go. My inner voices were right. I am an idiot. 

While gulping another golgappa, I choked on it. Coughing badly in result. 

“Sloowlly…” Zoya spoke rubbing my back, her mouth full of pani puri. She was sitting beside me.

After around fifteen minutes, we are sitting here holding our belly. 

“Aditya.. *Burp* you are *Burp* so bad… *Burp*”

“Why? *Burp*” I asked.

“Because *Burp* of you *Burp* I ate *Burp* so much….” 

“Me?! *Burp* you started *Burp* it…” 

We saw Aarohi and Abhi walking towards us. And I can bet Abhi had a smirk on his face while looking at me. We both covered our mouths with our hands in order to stop ourselves from burping.

“You both… We were searching for you!”

“Soory…” Zoya spoke in a muffled voice as she had her palms covering her mouth.

“You were racing?” She asked her eyes widening with realisation. We smiled sheepishly and nodded.

She giggled and turned towards Abhi.

“No! I have to drive…” 


“Haan…. Someday,” He trailed off, “If that someday ever came…” He muttered only for me to hear. 

I let out a noiseless chuckle.

We sat back in the car, to reach our last destination. Only shopping for clothes is left. It's two o'clock right now. I will call Arjun taking out some time.

Out of the blue, I felt Zoya keeping her head on my shoulder, hugging my arm. I blinked my eyes. 

“Zoya?” I called her in a whisper.

“I feel sleepy…” She mumbled with her eyes closed. 

I am happy, she is not uncomfortable with me. Especially after what she has seen. I wish no one should see in their lifetime.

I didn't disturb her, allowing her to take a small nap.

“Zoya, that pink one?” Aarohi asked. 

“Red one is more better…”

We are sitting in the shop to buy clothes and I am getting so bored. I think I should call Arjun now. Before I could dial his number, Abhi started.

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