"That never happened!" I snap. His smirk instantly vanished as Tony puts on his helmet.

"What are you doing?!" Cap hollers, putting his own mask on as I take off my headphones, chuckling them and my cell phone on the seat next to me, before I tug my hood up over my head.

Tony opens the hatch and a large figure wearing armor and a red cape touches down on the landing. I grin, recognising who it is instantly. Tony goes to intercept them but they ran their large hammer into Tony, sending him flying backwards easily.

The man was muscular with shoulder length stringy blonde hair and blue eyes. He barely spares me a glance before he snatches Loki, easily freeing him from the seat belt, and runs for the exit. The blonde grips onto Loki, before he swings his hammer and flies out the door, into the thunderstorm.

I still couldn't stop grinning because that was Thor! My old friend from Asgard!

"And now there's that guy!" Tony exclaims in exaggerating, coming over to us.

"Another Asgardian?!" Nat exclaims.

"That guy's a friendly?" Cap asks, straightening up.

"Yup!" I say, popping the p, causing him and Tony to look at me. "You could say he's an old friend of mine."

"It doesn't matter," Says Tony. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

"Stark! We need a plan of attack!"

Tony pauses only long enough to say, glancing back at us, "I have a plan: attack!"

He flips down his visor before flying out after the two Asgardians.

I sigh as I stand up, "What an idiot!" I head towards the hatch. I then hold out my hand and start creating a pegasus out of ice.

Cap had the same idea as me, because he's snatching up a parachute pack.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap, Aqua," Nat says, touching a couple of buttons.

Strapping on the parachute, Cap replies, "I don't see how I can't. But Aqua should stay out of this."

I give him an exaggerated expression as Nat says, "These guys come from legend. They're basically gods!"

"There's only one god, ma' am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that," Cap says, grabbing his shield and coming up beside me.

"I appreciate your concern for me, Cap, but you and Nat forget: I've met these two before, and one of them's my friend. You stay put. I'll go get the man child," I tell him sternly, much to Cap's surprise as I swing up into the pegasus's back and kick it into a swift gallop.

It launches itself off the landing pad and dives down, my blonde hair whipping back behind me. After a couple of heartbeats, the ice pegasus snaps its wings open and I steer it in the direction of Tony, Thor and Loki.

I soon spot Tony and Thor going head to head in a forest clearing, Loki lounging comfortably on a rocky ledge. Even though Thor wasn't with him, and he doesn't have shackles on, Loki doesn't try to make a getaway.

I steer the pegasus to the other two males and it slams its hooves onto the ground, galloping up to Tony and Thor.

"What in the...?" Tony gasps, never having seen me create this before, only things like birds and horses.

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