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Harley runs downstairs with joy when she heard the front door open. "Dad, you're here!" She crashes him into a hug, and Douglas laughs while hugging his daughter back.

"I had to come to check on you. Make sure nothing was happening." Douglas says, slightly glaring between her and Chase. 

Harley awkwardly chuckles while Bree hugs Douglas. The rest of the team walked in to see the strange man in their penthouse. "Guys, this is our Uncle Douglas." Chase introduces him.

"Harley's dad?" Kaz questions as he knew that this man was who Harley called his father. 

"Technically, he's our father. But we don't call him that." Bree corrects and Harley nods. 

"Oh. You're the guy who tried to kill them." Kaz realizes, then shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you." 

Douglas smiles. "You, too, Oliver. You know, you're not nearly as scrawny as Chase said you were."

Oliver glares at Chase as he steps forward. "That's because I'm Oliver."

"Hi. I'm Skylar." Skylar greets herself and he gives her a hesitant look, glancing at Harley. Douglas was informed by his daughter what went down with Chase and Skylar, and Douglas was definitely on his daughter's side. Harley nods in reassurance before Douglas shook the girl's hand. "The alien girl. I'm kind of disappointed. I thought you would have three heads." 

"Don't be silly. You shed the other two when you're a kid, and then, leave them under your pillow for the head fairy." Skylar tells him.

Douglas leans over to Harley and whispers, "I can't tell if she's joking or not."

"Uh, good news. Skylar just got her powers back." Chase changes the subject. "And guess who got them back for her," Kaz smirks towards Oliver.

"Okay, it was me." Chase happily smiles, throwing his arm around Harley's shoulders.

Bree leans over to Douglas. "A little Elite Force gossip. Scrawny is jelly because Bookworm got Alien her powers back."

"Okay, aliens I can believe. But someone jealous of Chase? Unfathomable." Douglas says with a chuckle. Chase looks offended while Harley laughs.

"So, it looks like I'll be staying here with you while my brother is gone," Douglas informs them as he takes a seat on the couch.

"Where did Mr. Davenport go?" Skylar asks. "I mean, not that I'm complaining. I think I speak for all of us when I saw we could use the break."

"He went back home. He'll be checking in, but he wanted to be there with Tasha when the baby arrives." Douglas replies.

"Mm, probably so he can jam a bionic chip in its neck when she's not looking," Bree remarks, and Harley snorts before nodding.

"Anyway, my first order of business while I'm here is to design's the team's new mission suits." Douglas smiles. Chase quickly interjects as he says, "Whoa, no you're not because I'm designing them. I started sketching up a prototype two weeks ago."

"I think we can all agree that the guy who created you is much more capable of creating the mission suits." The man points out.

"Yeah, because Chase can't be trusted with anything," Oliver spoke up, and the others weirdly looked at him. "I mean, I'd like to be on Douglas' team, please."

Kaz steps forward. "I don't know, I mean, Chase is the smartest guy in the world. And he did cure Skylar all by himself. I'm on Chase's team."

"Thank you, Kaz." Chase smiles and Kaz nods. "And I think we can also all agree that our mission suits shouldn't be designed by anyone who looks like a hipster porcupine."

Harley stands from her seat beside Douglas. "No need to get aggressive." Chase crosses his arms and gives her a look while he asks, "Whose side are you on, darling?"

She weakly chuckles as she looks between her father and husband. She sadly looks at Chase and he scoffs in disbelief, throwing up his hands.

"I'm sorry! It's just-- I haven't seen my dad in a while, and I would like to spend some time with him." Harley tells him, and Douglas stands from the couch, throwing his arm over Harley's shoulder.

"I guess that means Oliver, Harley, and I will get to work on my version of the suit, while you and Kaz spin your wheels making something we'll never use," Douglas says.

"That's right, we will." Chase comments. 

"Yeah, you will," Oliver spoke.

"Yeah, we will," Kaz argues back before turning to Chase. "What are we willing?"

"We are going to make the most powerful, intimidating, take no prisoners mission suits ever!" Chase exclaims. "It's dress-up time, and you just became my doll."

As Chase walks away, Kaz quickly turns to Harley and whispers, "Is it too late to back my team?" Harley lightly pats his chest with a shrug before walking away with Douglas and Oliver.


"Okay, Oliver, Harley, let's start designing this suit." Douglas starts as he was behind the console.

"Coo. So here's what I'm thinking--" Oliver was interrupted by Douglas and Harley laughing. 

"That's cute," Douglas says, and Harley continues. "With Douglas, there is no such thing as pitching in ideas." 

Oliver stammers, "I've been dreaming about having my own superhero suit since I was a little kid. Now that I finally have powers, this is my chance."

Douglas sighs. "Okay, fine. What did you have in mind?"

"Are you ready for this?" Oliver grins. "Elbow swords. Swords that come out of your elbows."

"Unlike that idea, which came out of somewhere else," Douglas replies. "You're not seeing it." Oliver moves his elbows as if he had swords attached to them. "Elbow swords!"

"No. With all your superpowers, you don't need gadgets. Just a simple, functional suit." Douglas tells him, and Harley nods in agreement. 

The hyperlift opens as Chase and Kaz exit. Kaz had a black suit with gadgets on his chest. They walk over to the three with smirks.

"Guys, look. Chase tricked my suit with smoke jets." Kaz says.

"Why?" Harley questions.

"For dramatic--" He starts as Chase presses a button on his suit, then smoke quickly came out. When the smoke cleared up, Kaz was gone. "--exits." Chase finishes. 

"That was so awesome!" Oliver exclaims.

"No, it wasn't." Douglas slaps Oliver's chest. Chase walks over with an impressed grin. "Oh, don't worry, Douglas. There's nothing wrong with finishing second." He looks over at Harley. "It's not too late to join the winning team."

"I think I'll pass." Harley 'sweetly' smiles at him and Chase stood for a moment. "I don't have any smoke jets, so I'm just gonna leave."


Douglas had finished the elbow swords on Oliver with Harley's help. 

"Congratulations. You now have elbow swords." Douglas says as Oliver lifts his arms to reveal the elbow swords. By the looks of it, having elbow swords seem really dangerous.

"This is so cool! Now I can fight off enemies and make sushi at the same time." Oliver exclaims, moving his arms up and down. Oliver received a text message and Harley did as well. The two exchange a look when looking at the text.

"Dad, check this out. They just added laser-guided ankle rockets." Harley shows him her phone which had the photo.

"That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. I'm not gonna lie, it kinda scares me." Douglas tells him as he examines the photo.

"We can't lose to Chase." Oliver complains and the two look at him while Harley says, "We are not going to lose to Chase, because we are about to up our game."

Douglas snaps his fingers as an idea popped into his head. "I need to change the mechanics of the suit. Are you double-jointed?" He asks Oliver, who shakes his head. "Do you wanna be?"

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