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Harley sat with Bree, Kaz, and Oliver on the couch when Chase came in with a box in his hands.

"Check it out, guys. Mr. Davenport shipped us a box from Mission Creek." He places the box on the coffee table.

"As long as he's not in it, then yay!" Bree says. Harley, who had her legs set in Bree's lap, leans forward to see what was inside as Chase takes the lid off the box.

"Cool. It's some of our old technology." He says.

"Hey, look, a Daven note," Kaz says when he grabbed a piece of paper from inside the box. 'Dear Elite Force, I'm converting the basement into a nursery for the new baby, so please keep this stuff in the penthouse for me."

"He's raising a baby in the basement?" Oliver asks. "That kid's gonna have some serious issues." He leans back on the couch as Bree glares at him.

"What's this?" Kaz asks, taking out a little metal box.

"The cyber cloak. It'a virtual body disguise. It can make you take on anyone's appearance." Chase explains. "One time, I got stuck looking like Bree, and I had to go to the school dance with this guy named Jake."

"Same thing happened to me." Oliver says. "Not the cyber cloak. Texting mishap. Long story. I'll tell you about it later."

"And then I'll tell you how I orchestrated the whole thing." Kaz laughs. He picks up another device from the box. "Ooh, what's this?"

"Be careful with that." Harley warns him, removing her legs off of Bree. "That's a memory wipe. It can erase minutes, hours, even years of someone's life."

"Hey, if I use this on Skylar, maybe she'll forget about the stupid things I've said and wanna date me." Oliver says as he grabs the device.

"It's a memory wipe, not a miracle maker." Bree remarks with a smirk, and Harley fist-bumps her.

Kaz grabs the device back from Oliver. "So what does this thing--" A beam flashes him in the face. "Ooh, what's this?"

Chase yanks the device from him and places it back inside the box. Harley laughs as Kaz looks at the group confused.


"Okay, team meeting time." Chase announces while the six of them were down in the basement. "Thank you all for coming."

"We live here. Did you really have to post flyers in the kitchen?" Bree questions, showing the pink flyer.

"That was Oliver's idea." Chase points to the boy.

"And I think the attendance speaks for itself." Oliver defends.

"Anyway, I have an update about our plan to warn all the superheroes about Roman and Riker. By using Kaz' computer password from Mighty Med, we were able to access the encrypted superhero communications network." Chase explains.

"It's a secure way for superheroes to message each other without exposing themselves to the outside world." Oliver adds.

Chase presses the cyber desk and a list of superheroes pops up. "The network has gathered the locations of all remaining superheroes. It took some time since most of them use civilian cover identities to live undetected."

"Oh! Which reminds me." Kaz suddenly speaks. "I also have a civilian cover now. Secretly I'm Kaz, a fire-powered superhero. But to the world, I'm Match Head, a mild-mannered regular Joe."

"So, your civilian cover has a superhero name?" Harley questions.

"Superhero name? I know, like, four Match Heads." Kaz tells her.

New Beginnings || Chase DavenportOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora