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As Oliver stayed by Skylar's side, Harley joined Chase to work on finding an antidote for the serum. Skylar was muttering in pain how she didn't feel good and Oliver goes over to the two. "Why haven't you found the antidote yet? You're supposed to be perfect."

Chase sets down the beaker as he faces Oliver in annoyance. "You know what really helps in a high-pressured situation? You interrupting me every five seconds to ask me why I haven't found the antidote yet."

"Sorry." Oliver apologizes and when the two got back to work, he adds, "But have you?" Harley slowly raises her head to glare at him and Oliver quickly backs away. "I knew we shouldn't have given her coal."

"You gave me coal?!" Skylar repeats in disbelief and the three exchange cautious looks before back at Skylar. Oliver scoffs. "Coal? Is that what you heard? That would be crazy. I mean, why would I inject you with your one true very lethal weakness?"

"He did it." Oliver sighs, pointing at Chase. "Okay, yes, I was the one who suggested shocking your system with coal, but I've also said that you should never mix superpowers with science."

"When did you say that?" Oliver questions. "Just now. Keep up." Skylar suddenly coughs as black dust came from her mouth.

"Chase, there must have been too much," Harley tells him as she worriedly glances at her friend. "Her body's rejecting it and expelling it as a vapor." 

"Is it dangerous?" Oliver asks. They look over at Skylar who coughed more black dust, which destroyed the flowers nearby.

"Just to living things," Chase replies.


Harley stood beside Skylar as she was trapped inside Chase's force field to prevent her from coughing on them. Chase continued to work on the serum with Oliver standing near. 

Then, Skylar started frantically coughing and the force field began to crack the more she coughed. "Guys, we may have a problem." She slowly backs to the boys.

"I thought you said your force field was impenetrable," Oliver says.

"It is. It's built to withstand lasers, bullets, even atomic explosions, not alien freak gas." Chase tells him.

"I told you that was gonna happen," Oliver exclaims. "What? When did you tell me that?" 

"Just now. Keep up." Oliver says, repeating Chase's words earlier.

"If that gas escapes and spreads into the vents, it'll kill everyone in the building." Harley points out. "That's thousands of people."

"I think you know what has to be done," Chase says, picking up the metal device. Harley sighs while Oliver looks confused. "You're holding an electric toothbrush, I got nothing."

"No. This is a sonic de-atomizer. It'll stop the vapor at its source by sending a lethal blast of energy through her body." Chase explains to him.

"Lethal?" Oliver repeats. 

"Yes, the only way to stop the vapor from spreading.... is to destroy Skylar." Chase slowly adds and Oliver's face fell.

"Absolutely not. Give me that thing." Oliver lunges forward and snatches the device out of Chase's hand, but he quickly grabs his wrist as the two fought over it.

"I'm not letting you destroy her. That girl means everything to me. She's the reason I wake up in the morning. You should know how that feels." Oliver says, looking at Harley before continuing. "I can't imagine a life without her."

Skylar coughed once more and the force field completely broke. "That gas is coming out!" Chase shouts.

"I'm taking that space witch down!" Oliver yells.

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