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Harley stayed down in Mission Command with Kaz and Davenport while Chase and Oliver headed back up to the penthouse. Currently, Kaz was using his fire grenades to make a portrait of Davenport on the wall.

"You know, I don't think that's gonna come off." Kaz states. "Nor should it," Davenport says, standing in front of the portrait.

Bree exited the hyperlift and ran towards the three. "Quick, help me! I told Skylar she was like a sister to me, and then, out of nowhere, she started throwing me around like Adam does with Chase. She gave me a wedgie. Girls don't do that."

Kaz laughs and Bree gives him a confused look. "What's so funny?"

"That's how all the girls on Skylar's planet are. They're beautiful and friendly, and incredibly violent." Kaz tells her. "They treat each like brothers. I mean, I know it seems weird, but she's acting like that because she's bonding with you."

Bree fakes a laugh. "That's great. But she's coming, hide me!" She scattered around the room as Harley reminds her, "You have an invisibility app."

"Right." Bree turns invisible right when Skylar stepped out of the hyperlift.

"Hey, guys." She greets the three, stopping right beside the invisible Bree. "Oh, I think Bree wants to play another game. I can hear you breathing." She kicks the air beside her and Bree collapsed onto the floor, turning visible.

"Wow, she really likes you." Kaz comments and Harley laughs while Bree groans in pain.


Harley ran outside to the balcony when she heard screaming. "What's going on?" She looks over to see Davenport and Oliver hanging onto the Davenhead. "Why are you guys just standing there?"

"Oliver needs to save Mr. Davenport himself," Chase replies. "But why would he need to?" Kaz questions.

Harley sighs and turns to him. "The reason he's having trouble with his powers is that he's insecure. You're outshining him, and it's getting into his head."

"Wait, he's intimidated because I'm so good at it?" Kaz questions, and Harley and Chase nod. "Oh, Well, you know, I hate to say it, but... I may need another superpower just to rein in all this awesome." 

"Kaz." Harley scolds.

"The more you succeed, the more it shines a light on the fact that Oliver is struggling. And the only way for him to get over that is to make him feel like he can do it." Chase explains. "So we're gonna let him save Mr. Davenport."

Kaz sighs. "All righty then. Let's go make some popcorn and see how this train wreck turns out." He slaps Chase on the arm and walks back inside the penthouse. Harley and Chase share a look before the latter followed Kaz inside. 

While the two guys ate their popcorn, Harley occasionally glanced over the balcony to check on Oliver and Davenport. "Kaz, help!" She hears Oliver yell for his best friend. Kaz, who sat at the edge of the balcony eating his popcorn, looks down.

"I'm sorry, buddy. There's no way I could carry both of you." He apologizes, munching on his popcorn. "Nice. That excuse sounds pretty believable." Chase grins.

"Actually, it's the truth. I just realized, Oliver's the only one with super strength. I couldn't save 'em if I wanted to." 

Harley slowly raises her head at Kaz's word. She turns to look at him as she asks, "What did you just say?"

"I said Oliver is the only one with--"

"I heard what you said!" Harley snaps, now worry filling in her body. She glances between Kaz and the two hanging on the Davenhead. "You're telling me that Mr. Davenport's life is really in Oliver's hands?"

"Yeah, his wet, slippery, ice cube-y hands." Kaz nods. Harley starts to panic even more. "Oh gosh."

Chase started to panic as well as she stuffed popcorn into his mouth, clutching the popcorn bowl against his chest.

Harley's heartbeat increased as she saw Oliver and Davenport slide off the Davenhead. "No!" But her heart stopped when Oliver had Davenport by his belt loop, flying the two over the terrace and landing onto the ground.

"I did it! I'm a hero!" Oliver proudly says as he stands up. 

Davenport groans. "You know, just out of curiosity, what was your backup plan in case Oliver didn't save me?"

"Preserve your real Davenhead in the name of science," Chase replies with a grin. "I was... I was gonna get a spatula, and meet you down at the sidewalk." 

Davenport forces a laugh before saying, "I'm leaving everything to Bree and Harley." Then, he walks back into the penthouse.

Harley walks to Oliver and pats his shoulder with a smile. "I'm glad you got over your worries about needing to outshine Kaz. You're a great superhero, Oliver, it just had to take time." Oliver thankfully smiles at her. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to tell Bree that I claim Davenport's water bed."

The three boys watched as Harley geo-leaped away.

"She's interesting." Oliver points out.

Chase sighs but then a smile forms onto his lips. "Yeah, she is." 

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