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Months went by and Harley was getting more uncomfortable during this pregnancy. It was so painful that she could no longer attend missions. The last time she tried on her suit, she could only fit up to her thighs, the belly stopping the rest. Currently, she sitting on the couch re-reading What To Expect When You're Expecting when the door opens to reveal her team in their mission suits.

"Well, congratulations, guys," Chase says once they walk in. "That was our tenth mission this week." 

"Only ten?" Oliver asks as he rests a hand on his side. "It feels more like a hundred. Using superpowers really takes it out on you. My whole body's sore." He groans.

"Yeah, mine too," Kaz spoke. The two best friends sat on the couch, on each side of Harley. Kaz let out a groan when he sat down. "Oh, it hurts more to sit!"

"Okay, you guys haven't even had your powers that long, and you're already complaining," Skylar says. "Harley is pregnant, and if she could fit in her suit, she would do twice what you guys did and still not complain." 

Harley smiles as Bree says, "I have been running hundreds of miles an hour since I was a baby. Don't talk to me about sore until you have bionic blisters." As she takes off her sock, the boys scream, and Harley gags. 

"I'm gonna be sick," Harley mutters. Bree chuckles before walking up the stairs.

"Man, if we feel this bad now, what's gonna happen when we get older?" Oliver questions.

"I don't know. But I can show you what we'll look like." Kaz pulls out his phone and explains how he has an app that can age photos. He snaps a photo of Oliver and turns to show him.

Oliver scrunches his face in disgust. 

"Cute mustache," Skylar says.

"Mustache? That's all nose hair." 

"Guys, why are you so freaked out about growing older, anyway? It's just part of life. Personally, I am looking forward to aging gracefully." Chase explains.

Kaz snaps a photo of Chase. "Well, this is you."

Chase shrugs. "So? Big deal. That's what everybody looks like when they're 80."

"Dude, that's you at 40," Kaz tells him, and Chase gasps, snatching his phone.

"You're gonna need a new phone because this one just broke." 


"Hey, where have you been?" Harley asks her husband as he comes up from Mission Command. 

"Fighting Father Time." Chase answers. "You've seen what I looked like on Kaz's app. I'm trying to create a device to reverse the aging process. I've been up all night splitting molecules and splicing DNA."

"Wow, Chase, only you can make the phrase "up all night" sound boring," Bree tells her brother.

The door opens and gathers the team's attention. Walking in is Tasha holding her baby.

Harley and the Davenport siblings go to greet Tasha, and then the baby. "Guys, this is my little sister, Naomi," Bree tells the superheroes. All of them coo and baby-talk to Naomi until Tasha clears her throat. "Right. This is Naomi's mom." 

"Also known as Tasha," Harley adds.

"Awe, she's so cute," Skylar says.

"Too bad it won't last. It's only a matter of time before she looks like a wrinkly, old, hairless goblin." Chase grumpily says, and Harley smacks his arm. "Good to see you, Tasha." He nods before heading back down to Mission Command.

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