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Currently, Chase and Kaz were working on the suit down in Mission Command when Kaz received a text message from Oliver, and Chase received one from Harley. They stopped what they were doing to check their phones.

"Look at this. Oliver, Harley, and Douglas just added toe cannons to their suit. That's genius. We can't compete with that." Kaz says.

"Oh, yes, we can, because I'm gonna give you propulsion tripwire." Chase grins, and Kaz returns one as he says, "I have no idea what that is, but I love it." 

With both teams, Oliver and Kaz explained to their leader what they would like to have on their suits. When it was time, Douglas and Harley stood in the living room with Oliver in his suit behind a veil. 

"Just wait until you see Oliver's suit. It is fully loaded." Douglas says to Chase, who was pacing in the kitchen.

"I'm just gonna let my suit do the talking, which, by the way, it does," Chase replies.

Harley rolls her eyes at their childish acts. "It's time for the reveal. You ready, Oliver?"

"Let's do it." Oliver answers.

"Kaz," Chase calls out for the boy who was in the hyperlift but got no answer. "Kaz?"

"Are you talking to me? My ears are still ringing from that last missile test." Kaz shouts from behind the fireplace, and Douglas snickers beside Harley. 

Douglas rips off the veil and reveals Oliver in his suit while Chase opens the hyperlift and reveals Kaz in his. 

"What are you waiting for? Get out here." Chase tells Kaz who seemed to be struggling. "I'm trying, but this thing's a little heavy."

Chase sighs and helps Kaz exit the hyperlift and over to the others. "Go ahead, Oliver. Show 'em what you got." Douglas laughs.

"Prepare to be wowed by a retractable bazooka." Oliver presses a button as smoke began to come out from his bottom, and he shakes. "Ow. I guess it extracted before it retracted."

Chase laughs from the other side of the room. "What a disaster."

"Dad, I think we may have taken this a little too far." She whispers to Douglas. "Yeah, these things are way too impractical for missions." Kaz agrees.

"These things are totally mission-ready." Douglas waves them off. Then, a fly began buzzing around them and Chase says, "Yeah, and to prove it, Kaz here is gonna use his suit to take out that fly."

"No, Oliver's suit will get the fly," Douglas argues. "Go! Get it, Oliver." 

Oliver takes a step forward before stopping. "I can't feel my legs."

Chase pushes Kaz forward. "Come on, Kaz. Get the fly." Both Chase and Douglas tried pushing the boys forward to get the fly but knocked things over in the process. 

"Guys, I think we should--" Harley tried to speak but it was cut off by Chase and Douglas yelling at Kaz and Oliver. The two tried to get the fly until accidentally bumping into each other and falling to the floor on their backs.

"I can't get up." Kaz sighs.

"I can, but I don't want to." Oliver groans.

"Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board," Douglas says before turning to Chase. "You know, we could make 'em together."

Chase nods. "Yeah. It would be nice to work with someone who speaks the same language."

"Amateur hour." Douglas gestures towards Oliver and Kaz who were still on the floor. Chase and Douglas make their way to the hyperlift and Harley stays behind in hopes to help the boys up.


As the team, excluding Chase and Douglas, sat on the couch waiting for Chase and Douglas' mission suit reveal, Bree walks over to take a seat but stops when feeling something sharp.

"Ow." She pulls out the elbow sword from Oliver's suit from behind a pillow. "What is this?"

"Elbow sword." Harley simply answers.

The hyperlift opens and Chase and Douglas exit with smiles on their faces. "Guys, we did it. Douglas and I put our heads together and worked nonstop over the past few days to create the team's new mission suits, and they're better than we could've imagined."

Later, the teens changed into their new mission suits. The mission suit's color was black and bright blue and had the logo to represent the team. For the boys, the initials E and F were melded into the patterns of their suits. The suits were a bit different for the girls as theirs were one piece, the boys had separate clothing. 

They stood on the balcony as they proudly posed with them. Harley stood between Bree and Kaz. "Oh, yeah, we make this look good," Oliver says.

"Hey, where's Douglas?" Skylar asks.

The moment Skylar had asked, Douglas steps onto the balcony wearing Oliver's former suit. "Oh, I'm gonna make this work."

Harley laughs before looking at Chase, just to see he was already looking at her. She smiles as she uses her telepathy ability to say, "I love you."

The smile on Chase's face grew as he heard her words in his mind before mouthing back, "I love you, too."

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