Chapter 24- The Father-in-Law

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Currently, we were at an impasse. Duanna had gone missing, and the note she left had been decoded. It read:

AC   k i d n a p   o n   j u l y   15

So this creepy beta was going to take away my mate on July 15!? Tomorrow!! Emerson and Emmaline had left for Gold Coast already. There was nothing peculiar when they left and nothing suspicious on the borders. I was so overwhelmed. I took everything Alexine's grandfather said seriously. I always knew where Alexine was- for her own good- and she knew mine.

Regarding the first note we received, Brian, my sister's father-in-law, clearly had some answers to give. 

"You need to explain this."

Brian gave me a black look. "I am not here to make amends, Alpha Zhang. I am here to speak to Luna Chen's sister, Isabelle, and her mate, Theo Tian."

"You will need to explain this before I summon my gamma."

"This is a private family matter."

"Firstly, by Luna Alexine, Isabelle is my sister-in-law and moreover, Theo is my cousin, you are my uncle. Technically I am family."

"Will you permit a compromise then? Bring your and Luna Chen's family. Chelsea too."

"I will allow the compromise. There is a conflict between Emerson and his second mate, Emmaline He. Chelsea does not live in my pack. How will that proceed?"

[Way to go Jordan, conflict is an understatement.] Alexine mindlinked me.

"Miss He must not attend then. If Chelsea is not present, then where has she gone?" Brian stated tersely.

"It is not my place to say. She told me to tell you that 'she is not your daughter anymore' after she walked off with her mate. She's deltafied, too." 

Brian's jaw dropped, before his scowl returned. "Let's go in then." he grumbled gruffly.



Theo leaned back in his chair, looking disgruntled. "Athena is not here, correct?" 

Brian nods. "I never intended for Alpha Zhang to know, but here I am, about to literally expose myself. Pfft."
"Just spit it out, Brian," Theo venomously spoke.
"The fiasco about my philandering, right, son. Such a shame Cassidy and Cressida take after their mom, eh? Splitting images of Sara. Oh, how I enjoyed that night, with Lyndon watching helplessly." Everyone, except for Brian, cringed.

[Alpha Jordan, I'm warning you, have warriors posted and ready outside the doors. My so-called father has become an extremely dangerous man.] Theo mindlinked me.
[Got it. I called five warriors.]

"I hear Lyndon and Sara have a son. Well, I'm back to take custody of Cassidy and Cressida."
"And why?"
"Good thing I have six children. Have you heard of Alpha Tian Yi-Ru and Luna Li Min-Hao? Well, their my uncle and my aunt and they passed their pack, Hex Moon, to me. I need to take one of my sons and train them for the position as my heir. Theo wouldn't cooperate, so now it is Cassidy's turn. Haven't seen him since he was born. By the way, what's Cassidy's full name?"
"Cassidy Xi-Han Lam-Feng."

Brian growled. "The b-"
"Language, so-called dad." Theo interjected in a singsong voice.
"- did not give him my last name. She dared to give him Lyndon's!" Brian seethed.
"You aren't their father. You never were. What do you have against Lyndon?" I asked.
"I wanted Sara! But she never paid attention to me because of her pathetic mate, Lyndon."
"Then were you mates with Emilia or Athena?"
"Emilia was my one and only mate, but I was her second chance mate. Athena was outside of it all, and I just had backup children with her and she was the witch force. But they were girls, so I just raised them normally and left them to their mates. Also I want absolutely nothing to do with Leslie and Kelsie."

I stood up and opened the door. Romain, Lyndon's son, walked in front of them. Cassidy and Cressida walked in, flanked on either side by Lyndon and Sara. When he caught sight of Brian, Romain sent him a death stare. Then, I gestured to the farthest seats from Brian.

"Oh don't worry, sperm donor, you aren't even on their birth certificate!" Cressida sneered as she sat down. Cassidy and Romain broke into uncontrolled laughter.

"Shut up, bastards!!" Brian shouted. The two boys only continued laughing, with Cassidy shouting 'so you call your own son a bastard!' until Isabelle and Theo shushed them.

[They're quite immature for a 19- and 20- year old.] Alexine remarked.

"I will never go with you. Nor are you even on my birth certificate. You're just wasting everyone's time and bringing bad luck with you." Cassidy grumbled. "Have another son, let me live my life."
"It's your duty to follow me because I am your father." Brian stated confidently.
"No, you're not. You never were because you never watched me grow up. You aren't on my birth certificate. You have no control over my life, whether it be legally or morally. End of discussion."
"I can't train any of my daughters." Brian reiterated.
"Pass it to your beta." said Cassidy, reclining in his chair and wearing a completely bored face. Cassidy then suddenly sat up. "I've had enough. Find someone else before Alpha Jordan kicks you off the pack grounds."
Brian hissed. "My heir must be my own flesh and blood. Do you not understand? Alpha emeritus Robert Zhang passed his title to Jordan. Auratiaco alpha Yoel Clarke gave it to his son, Marvin-"

An awkward silence ensued as Lyndon tried to calm Cassidy, Brian face turned flaming red, and the rest of us fidgeted.

"Cassidy Ti-"
Emerson stood up. "Alpha Jordan, I request your permission to leave." I let him go.
"Well, Brian, we will discuss this later." I stated firmly.
"Sara and family, Theo and Belle, you may be dismissed. Brian must remain."

After everyone except for Brian left (Alexine remained by my side), I sternly told him to return to wherever he lived and to leave me his phone number. I would contact him at a later date. He was beyond angry. And he also smelled like a human.

Brian had not left when I told him to. Instead, I received a desperate mindlink from Romain, Sara and Lyndon's son, for help.

When I arrived at the scene, with Alexine at my heels, Brian held a silver dagger against a trembling girl's neck, while Romain was standing behind it all, looking conflicted. Alexine seemed to recognize the trembling girl.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" I boomed. A twinge of fear flashed in Brian's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a malicious smirk. "Give me Cassidy, Madison goes unharmed. Simple as that, Romain Feng. Your denial is her death." Alexine growled angrily.

"How am I supposed to sacrifice my brother, my own blood, for my mate, and yet, you yourself so easily sacrificed your own mate for an heir?" Romain stated, conflicted.

"So you're using someone's mate against them? What a dunderhead you are! Seems like you have just a pea-sized brain. I AM A LUNA, A FORMER BETA, A MUSICAL, A HYBRID. I ORDER YOU TO DROP YOUR DAGGER, OR ELSE YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO DROP DEAD." Alexine thundered.

"You might be a Luna, but you're only a pup." Brian flung the dagger toward my mate. She caught it by the silver tip and held it behind her. Brian gasped. 

Now it was my mate's turn to smirk. "Most Musicals have golden fur, but I have all the powers of the Musicals. Therefore, I have silver fur, and thus, I am immune." Then Alexine hummed four notes in perfect pitch. 

A strange material that looked like ice sprouted a tight cage around Brian, rendering him immobile. "Brian, even if you tried to kill Madison, you would not go unpunished for those crimes. You don't belong to Musicon, and yet you attempted to kill a Twoset pack member AND someone's mate. It's all against the Werewolf Legislation. Get your facts straight- it makes you a blockhead alpha full of simplemindedness. I'm surprised Alpha Yiru made you his heir. You are not welcome here and you have made an enemy."

"I, Alpha Jordan Zhang of Musicon, banish Brian Tian, future alpha of Hex Moon. Should you be seen trespassing on Musicon pack territory, you shall be killed. LEAVE. NOW."

Brian Tian, full of fear, scurried away and off the territory.

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