Chapter 18- Beta Duties

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"Hello Alexine, Eddy and I have many things to discuss with the council, which includes a new school and we need you to revise building plans."
"Wait, don't we have enough rooms for the current pack members?"
"We only have two rooms left. The other residence is smaller, with only four floors including the ground floor and only three of them residential. The top floor is divided into two, for the Alpha and the Beta, but you live in the main one so we let Hilary move her family there. The floor under the top floor is also divided like that, and the remaining one is for guests."
"It was actually wise of you to let Hilary move into the Beta part of the floor because I fear I may not be at Twoset for long."
"What? How come?"
"Luna of Musicon she is decided, that's part 1. But why decided... because I would have to choose between being Beta or Luna. But none of us know a pack called Musicon. And I don't want to be a Luna."
"We haven't heard of it either."
"I'll get started on the building plans."
"Actually, can you design it? There are a few measurement options."
"Ok, but should we have a tall and 'slender' building or a short and 'squat' one?"
"Short, but you can make it bigger. Plus, some parents need strollers, so we requested elevators. Put that in the design."
"Got it. Family suites or single rooms...?"
"We need both, so it really depends on how many rooms there are. Just make sure there's at least 18 family suites, two elevators, and you may include a basement."

I walked into my office to do it, opening Google Slides. I did some sizing things, then designed the single rooms, then family suites, then designed the basement. I looked at the ground floor. I shrugged. It had taken ten minutes.
"Hey alphas, may I include four practice rooms?"
"Sure!" they said, grinning. "Just share it in the Slides."
"So, I included room numberings and where the washrooms would be. Does it look good?"
"It's brilliant! We will use this exact one!" Brett and Eddy seemed very proud of my work.
"Now, I need you to make new  files for our new pack members: Feli, Levi and Madison's family, Samantha and Sylvestre."
"Like paper files?"
"Yep, plus scan it and put it in the pack members' shared folder. Write it in the 'new pack members' document as well."
"What's Editor-San's name?"
"Just put Alice. She didn't say her last name."

New Pack Members as of April 21st, 1997
Levi Tan, Madison Tan, 'Editor-san' Alice (Arrived Apr 1)
Felicity Zhu (Arrived Apr 8)
Samantha & Sylvestre Zamfirescu (Arrived Apr 8)
Alruna Zamfirescu & Caleb Caswell, Aaron Zamfirescu & Alexandrine Branson, Joyce Zamfirescu (Arrived Apr 8) 

I grabbed the forms they filled and wrote in when they arrived and their induction ceremony dates, then put them in new folders and put them in filing cabinets. "Where does Alice go?"
"In the special."

"You can go practice, if you want."

I spent an hour practicing the Mozart Concerto in d minor. Then, I was summoned again by Brett.

"Alexine, I need you to call Equinox and tell them about the Meredith incident."

I dialed the number. "Hi, is this Luna Amber?"
"No, this is Alpha Marco. Who are you again?"
"I'm Beta Alexine of Twoset, last time we were arranging to send over my friends."
"What happened? I'm afraid I don't remember since I was incapitated by some witch."
"Well, when we were talking, you-"
"-were being an ass, Marco. You think 7 am is too early? You were born at 3 am in the morning!" Luna Amber interrupted.
"Amber-" Alpha Marco groaned.
"Okay, enough. Why did you call us?" Luna Amber asked.
"I encountered a witch named Meredith Schoenberg. She wanted me to tell her where her sister, Cambreia Schoenberg, was. She took scents from the place where she last was. I smelled my mate, Jordan. Cambreia must have ventured down to Sydney to do some stuff, encountered my mate, attacked him, and got killed. Anyhow, I refused to tell Meredith. You know, Jordan may have rejected me, but I can see he is, at least, a decent alpha. Meredith attacked, and I hummed the words of death."
"Then I felt someone taking a burden off my shoulders, and hence I am normal."
"Thanks for letting us know, It has been a great relief. How is Elliane?"
"She's in the Red Zone, but not the ICU." I answered.
"Please send Elliane my apologies. It was the witch."
"I will."
"Have a good day! Bye!"

I nodded to Brett. "You can go," he said.

I went to visit Elliane. 
"Hi Samantha, where is Elliane?"
"Go to the Red Zone, then A32."
"Thanks." I went to the Red Zone. She was alone.
"Elliane, Alpha Marco was incapitated by a witch. That's why he wouldn't give medical help."
"It's okay... I'm better, Samantha said I'll be moved to the Yellow Zone this afternoon."
"That's great! But where is Fred?"
"He had to take a shower." Elliane chuckles.
[Alexine, office now.] Brett mindlinked me.
"Sorry, I hate to but it short, but Alpha Brett is calling me."
"It's okay, go." I walked out of the hospital.

"Brett, what's up?"
"Your mate called."
Me: .............
"Jordan is sending Lonicero Cho and Lantana Ji over. Giant predicament, apparently. You're in charge of flying over there with Sophie in her helicopter and bringing them back. Their room is E10. I know how you are with him, it's okay if you want us to send Ray instead-"
"It's fine, I forgave him... except for one thing, which I can't clarify yet."
"So you're going?"
"Yep. When is it?"
"You need to go now."
"Ok. Where is Sophie?"
"Go to the very south, she's at the apple tree."

After walking to the specified place, I saw Sophie with her helicopter.
"Hi Luna Sophie!"
"No need to call me Luna, Alexine! I understand you'll see your mate?"
"Yeah... oh well... we'll see what happens."

The flight there very animated. Sophie and I spoke of a lot,

We picked up Loniecero and Lantana. 

"Alexine, keep them safe. Lantana's parents are dangerous." Jordan said, while gazing at me the entire time. I nodded.

The flight back mostly silent. In the beginning, Lantana told us what happened. Afterwards, we barely spoke. The rain was terrible, and Sophie needed to concentrate on flying the helicopter.

Sophie mumbled something halfway through. "Low ceiling, low visibility. Dam this horrid rain."
"Do we need to camp somewhere?" I asked.
"Weather radar shows there will be sun a few kilometers ahead, no need for camping."
We aren't prepared, anyway, Alicia noted. 

Sophie landed.
"Bye Alexine!" she called, then took off again. I led them to their rooms, pointing out where the kitchen and the laundry room was and the mealtimes, then promptly went to my room. I was dead tired for no reason.

 I want...  Alicia mused.

Normally, I would have cut my wolf off, but this time, I let her continue.

Alicia howled. I want Jordan. 

For the first time, I felt the same.

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