Chapter 5-Packing and Brisbane

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The alpha's behaviour was odd. He was being immensely kind and sympathetic, instead of his mean old self. Very unusual. 

Right now we are lugging five suitcases and a smaller carry-on suitcase to put photos and other memorabilia in it. We packed all our essential clothing in suitcases, stuffed a few blankets and toiletries in it, and put stationary in it. They also contained our laptops. Our backpacks contained strictly personal items, as well as our phones, chargers, spare batteries, and I put my stamp collection in as well. We packed food as well. After an hour of packing, Mom began to make dinner. It was 6 o'clock. The rest of us packed the books and other papers in special, cushioned cardboard boxes. I packed in my music scores :)

After eating dinner, we brought the boxes, totaling to five boxes, to Alpha Robert's office. As we were being guided to the office, we could hear Alpha Robert yelling at his son. Our guide was (very) unsuccessfully trying to not laugh. So hilarious.

(A/N: Jordan is the italics.)

Jordan, I'm done. Now out. I have visitors coming.

But dad! Why, though?

Stop whining like a toddler. 

Like I'll even have one.

Oh yea, I forgot! You rejected your mate in front of me and you showed no remorse!

Shut up Dad! There are people in the house!

I don't care! The entire pack should know about your despicable behavior and scandalous actions! And never tell an alpha to shut up unless it's actually nonsense!

And you let Theo disrespect you like that!?

He had a point! I can see all my training is for nothing! Now out before they come because I know you are going to create another mess!

Jordan huffed and stomped out, thankfully going the other way. 

We lugged the boxes into Alpha's office, mailed them, then Alpha Robert told us our flight to Brisbane was at 7am, which meant we would need to wake up at 4am. Then we went home to sleep early. 

The next morning, at 4am.

I groaned and tried to smack my clock, but I smacked an empty bedside table instead. I yelped in pain and jumped as my alarm kept going. It was pitch black outside. It took me several minutes to realize the alarm came from my phone. It was playing the Carter Cartenaires. I kept thinking it sounds like a mess, and my brian can't comprehend it! Just like our life now, said Alicia. I walked to Mom and Dad's room. They were awake. Then I went to Belle and Theo, but they were in the middle of doing some stuff that my virgin eyes couldn't handle. Simple. I banged on their door and yelled "WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR THE FLIGHT TO BRISBANE NOW!!!"

They shrieked and tumbled on the floor. Ems came from his room to investigate what this was all about. I doubled over in laughter. Then Mom and Dad sternly told us to get ready. We all went to our separate rooms to change and pack whatever last minute things we needed. We found the van waiting outside. 

Now it was 4:25 am and Dad loaded the suitcases in the car. I put me and Ems' violin cases in as well as me and Belle's flute cases. We headed to the Alpha's house, where Luna Lucia greeted us and called for Alpha Robert. When Alpha Robert came out, he bid us farewell. I told Mom, Dad, Belle, Theo, and Ems to get in the van but leave the trunk open. Everyone started skeptically at me but I told them to just do it. They walked to the car, opened the trunk, and got in. 

"Alpha Robert, I have one last thing to show you."

Then Jordan came down the steps.

I shifted into my silver wolf with a white treble clef.

They gasped.

I howled to the half moon and galloped to the car. I leapt into the trunk, then shifted back with all of my clothes still on. The trunk closed. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the alpha family. Luna Lucia and Alpha Robert were giving me warm smiles, although Robert did have shock written clear on his face, which was replaced by a look of understanding. Jordan's jaw was on the ground. I rolled down the window and hollered, "This is Alicia's last message for Oscar: close your mouth before the fireflies fly in and turn you into a living lantern!"

Jordan quickly shut his mouth but he seemed so flabbergasted to even move.

We all chuckled and set off for the airport.

As we boarded the plane, we whisked out our phones and turned on airplane mode. The flight was one hour and thirty minutes. When we landed in Brisbane, We grabbed our luggage and headed to the exit, where their Beta Sophie was going to drive us to the pack.

When we got there, we were met with a large, spacious looking building. It had three floors, including the main floor and lots of windows. 

Beta Sophie said that we would go to their main residence, in the "family suites". It's just a bunch of mini-houses inside a house. The alphas, betas, deltas, and guests stayed in another residence right beside the main one. Each residence has a backyard. It's a short distance from the training grounds. We were brought in by Beta Sophie to the main residence, 1st floor. When we went inside, there were five bedrooms, a mini kitchen, living space, and four bathrooms. It was much better than the Silver Clouds Pack, but they had a lot more people so it was more cramped back then. There's even a music room with a Steinway grand piano! We put our violin and flute cases in. There was an empty bookshelf. 

I marveled at it.

"Enjoy it?"

I jumped and almost bumped into Beta Sophie. 

"Oh yes! It's so much better than my old pack. When will we meet Alpha Brett and Eddy?"

"They went to get some supplies and will be back at 10 o'clock, then you will meet them in the kitchen."

"The kitchen!? Why not the-"

Beta Sophie chuckled. "Your old pack is really old-fashioned, eh? Was it Silver Clouds?" I nodded. "I thought if we put it in a more casual setting then becoming friends will be easier. Besides, it's easier to meet pack members. Delta Ray went with them and the gamma Hilary is out gardening with her mate."

"I love gardening! Can we meet her now?"


"Belle! Ems'! Let's go meet the gamma!"

Belle and Ems ran to us, leaving Theo behind. We walked outside to the back, where the gamma was planting tomato plants. She turned to us.

"Sophie, are those the new pack members?"

"Yes. Their parents are still unpacking."

"Hi, my name is Alexine Chen. You can call me Lex."

"I'm Isabelle, Belle for short."

"I'm Emerson." 

"Dude, that intro was so short." I said. "Just call him Ems."

"Alright, then. Your parents are truly clever, they chose such beautiful names. I'm Hilary, this is my mate and my two daughters Zelda and Nadia. I play violin. What about you?"

"I play piano and flute-" Belle said-

"I play violin and piano-"

"And I play piano, violin, and flute" I finished.

Hilary laughed.

"Both alphas play violin, as well as the delta, Ray. You could call us the music pack, honestly. We have enough people of different instruments to form an orchestra!" Hilary said.

"That's great! I've been learning the Mozart piano Concerto in D minor, K466. Just for my own leisure, of course. That would be wonderful if we could do that!"

"Yeah! Are those your parents?"

I looked behind me as my parents walked towards us. "Yes, their names are Clara and Everett."

They both said their hi's. Hilary introduced herself as the gamma.

"I got a mindlink from Alpha Brett and Eddy that they will be back in a few minutes. I think we should go to the main house." said Hilary.

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