S04 E03: Personal Pilot Certification and Music Videos

Start from the beginning

"I have been interested in this for a long time, why not take the opportunity. I remember Abuelo flying me up in the helicopter as a little girl and he already taught me some of the basics. All I need at this point is pass the written examination and get a few gours of flights in. It would be a breeze."

The two sighed, knowing there is nothing stopping her now. Once she got her mind to it, she really goes through with this. This is why she is known as one of the most productive people back when they were in High School.

"I better see you alive and well after those 2 weeks."

"And you better fly us around LA."

Michelle chuckled and nodded, blowing both of them a kiss before driving home.

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Isabella arrived at Finneas' place (which is also basically Billie's) and smiled at the the girls there ready for filming. She entered the house, without needing to knock since she had been to this house more than their house this past week.

"Eyyy, look who finally made it."

Isabella smiled at them shyly and brought her back down, placing her sunglasses above her head.

"So what are we doing here? Give me a run down?"

"We'll just dance around, have fun and shit."

Isabella watched Billie grab a water bottle and tossed it to the soccer player they both walked to the living room.

"You sleeping over?"

"Hell yeah, you know I am."

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Christen watched her wife going through some books, classical music playing in the background. Her Accelerated course started a 3 days ago and her instructors and her decided that she should focus on the written examination before gaining air time so she could concentrate.

"This is exactly how she was in college. We had to pry her away from her text books."

Christen chuckled and looked at Santana, who was leaning by the door way.

"Classical music and everything?"

Sanatana scoffed and nodded her head.

"That is already a given. Got her own apartment because she can't hear her music while studying."

Wanting to help her wife, the 2 of them did flashcards when the kids were asleep and that was their bonding time.

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Isabella, Christen, Aquila and Diana waited by the bench that was near the entrance of the testing center. It has been 3 hours since she entered there, amd they were waiting in anticipation.

Isabelle and Christen perked up when they saw Mitch come strutting out with a smirk on her face.

"You passed?"



Entering the small aircraft for the first time brought a smile on Michelle's face. She caresses the wheel with teary eyes as she remembered her Abuelo.

He used to serve the Spanish air force, serving for 5 years before getting an honorable discharge and focusing on all the businesses that he and Lola have. He would take Michelle flying everytime he could. Michelle was always fascinated with flying, she feels like she was closer to her Abuelo everytime she was flying. Now she gets to fly it herself.

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