Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Perfect. I'm already showered and groomed so all that's left is make up, hair and getting dressed."Pierra listed out.

"Okay, I'll take a shower while you get ready."I said kissing her cheek before heading to the bathroom.

The night was a very important one for me and I was very nervous but also glad that Pierra was going to be there with me. There was going to be the award ceremony first, then the debut of the week long gallery showing and a dinner afterwards. They were all nerve wracking as I'd be meeting a lot of important people but I had my lucky charm by my side so I would be okay. Pierra was more outspoken than me and I was sure she would pick up where I failed, as long as I kept her by my side.

After my shower, I dried off before walking into the bedroom. My outfit was laid out on the bed, while Pierra was seated on the vanity putting on make up.

"I picked a dark pair of slacks to go with the outfit."She informed me.

"Thanks baby, what would I have done without you?"I asked pulling on my clothes.

"Probably dress terribly but you're lucky you don't have to find out."She replied.

I chuckled focusing on the buttons.

"So how do I look?"Pierra asked a few minutes later and I turned around to look at her.

My jaw hit the floor at how breathtaking she looked. Her skin looked smooth, make up flawless and the heels she had on made her legs look longer than normal.

"Do we have time for a quickie because damn you're fine as fuck."I commented with a whistle.

"That was a fuck boy response, now try a loving boyfriend who respects the woman he's dating."Pierra demanded.

"You look gorgeous Ivy and I can't wait to show you off to the whole world as mine."I corrected.

"Perfect. You look very dashing too boyfriend. Wish we did have time for that quickie though."Pierra commented licking her lips.

I chuckled and she grinned at me. I loved how Pierra could put me in my place when I stepped out of line but still be cheeky enough to tolerate my nonsense. She was my perfect match.

"There's always time for a quickie."I commented stalking towards her.

"Not today Mr, you're not ruining my dress and make up."Pierra declared putting her palm out to stop me.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me caging her in my arms. I pinched her chin bringing her face closer to mine.

"Don't you dare."Pierra warned clamping her lips together.

It would be so easy to get her to kiss me, she was very responsive to my touches but then she'd be mad at me. Changing my mind last minute as I didn't want a pissed Pierra for company I kisser her forehead and nose before letting her go.

"Done and done. Let's go."I requested holding my arm out for her.

"If you try that again."Pierra warned grabbing her purse and looping her hand around mine.

"You'll kiss me back."I grinned earning me a slap on the arm.

"Sorry, no more jokes."I assured her as we left the room.

"Good, now let's get to our destination. We don't want to keep our hosts waiting."Pierra said and I nodded.

Taking the elevator to the lobby, we found our chauffeur waiting outside. I opened the door for Pierra before taking a seat next to her. The ride to the Museum was a short one as there was no traffic. I was grateful for that as I didn't want my nerves to get any worse.

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