Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"You're supposed to be dressed."I commented.

"I know but I can't decide what to wear."He replied.

"You order breakfast, I'll pick an outfit out for you."I suggested.

"You're a life saver. What did I ever do without you?"He asked kissing my forehead as he passed by me to get to the phone.

"Survive but now you're living."I chided making him laugh.

Andrew ordered breakfast before walking back to me to see what I'd chosen for him. The meeting he was attending was a formal one but he was an artist so wearing a suit would be too weird so I chose a semi-formal outfit. Blue jeans, white button down, green pea coat and black boots.

"You look very handsome."I complimented straightening out his collar after he got dressed.

"All thanks to my talented girl. She on the other hand looks magnificent."He replied looping his hands around my waist pulling me to him for a kiss.

We kissed for a minute before we both pulled away to finish getting ready. Breakfast arrived and Andrew went to receive it as he tipped the waiter.

"Breakfast is served milady."Andrew announced from the balcony.

I chuckled as I joined him to enjoy the vast selection of delicious foods. There was coffee, juice, fruits, eggs, bacon, croissants and bread. The best view, most delicious breakfast and my man for company. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more.

"So what are you going to be doing when I go for my meeting?"Andrew asked.

"I was thinking, I'll come with you. I will just wait till you're done then we can start exploring together."I replied.

"I can't ask you to do that as I have no idea how long the meeting will take."Andrew protested.

"You're not asking me, I'm offering and besides I don't want to go exploring without you. We came here together and we're going to do everything together unless you don't want my company."I said with a pout.

"How can you think that? Stop with that face, I just don't want you to get bored."He insisted.

"There's no way I'll get bored, we're in Paris where art is everywhere. I'll be okay."I assured him.

"Okay fine but if you get bored, go explore but text me the details and your location."Andrew said giving in.

"It's a deal."I replied with a grin.

We finished up on breakfast and used the rest of the time before Pietro arrived to enjoy more of the view. I was living a dream and I didn't want it to be over that's why I was going to savor each minute of it.

Pietro arrived immediately at eight just as he had said he would.

"I hope you had a good rest."He inquired after we got the morning pleasantries out of the way.

I liked Pietro, he was nice, kind and polite with a wicked fashion sense.

"Yes we did, thank you."Andrew replied.

"Good, anyway we best be going if we're going to make it on time."Pietro commented.

We gathered all our essentials before leaving the room. We used the same car we'd used the previous day to get to the hotel from the airport. My face was glued to the window the whole time as I stared at all the sights we passed. I couldn't wait to see it all in close proximity.

"Pierra the car is at your service to take you wherever you want as Andrew attends his meeting."Pietro commented.

"No need, I'm coming with you guys."I replied.

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