"Last week when I left the hospital. I told him that I couldn't go to Paris with him because of Bishop, he said some mean things so we had to take a break."I explained.

Whitney sighed sadly and it was an expression of how I was feeling just a million times more. We went quiet for a few minutes after that before Whitney spoke up.

"Can I give you a piece of advise?"Whitney requested.

I nodded as I didn't have anything to loose from hearing her out.

"I love your brother and this stays between us but when it comes to you he is sort of a selfish prick. You can't let him dictate what your love life will look like for the rest of your life. You're almost twenty two now and if you don't put a stop to this co-dependent relationship that you two have it will hurt all your relationships. You will never be truly happy as Bishop will always have a say in your love life."She advised.

It was strange hearing Whitney talk about Bishop like that but her words were meaningful hitting deeper than I thought they would.

"So what are you saying?"I questioned.

"It's time for you to break up with your brother and live your life otherwise you will never be happy."She concluded with a sad smile.

She looked at me like she was pitying me and it was not a look I wanted to see from my brothers girlfriend.

I understood what Whitney was trying to communicate with me but it didn't make it easy. I knew that she was right as Andrew had said the same words just not as kindly. I myself knew what needed to be done but I was afraid of jeopardizing my relationship with my brother and his health too. I loved Bishop, he was my big brother and my protector. It was no secret that he took his protectiveness to a different level but it was his way of showing me that he loved me.

"Bishop is a big boy and will get over whatever you tell him but you better do it now before its too late."Whitney concluded.

She got up, gave me a polite smile before walking away leaving me all alone once more.

I sat outside for a little while longer thinking about what to do next. I didn't want to hurt Bishop but Whitney and Andrew were right, our relationship was not healthy and it had to stop. Thinking about the right thing to do and actually getting to do what needed to be done were two different things.

My phone rang in my pocket and I retrieved my phone to see that it was my mom calling. I had been avoiding picking her calls all in the name of being too busy studying to finals but more than ever I felt myself needing my mom and her advice. I picked the call, clearing my throat hoping I didn't sound like I was crying.

"Pierra Ivy Makau, you young lady are in so much trouble. Why have you been ignoring your mother?"She scolded.

Hearing her being so harsh to me broke the dam and I broke out in tears and sobs.

"Princess stop crying, I was just joking."My mom frantically expressed.

I tried telling her that she was not the reason I was crying but no words were coming out. The more I tried talking, the more I choked up in tears.

My mom whispered soothing words in my ears trying to calm me down. It worked because a few minutes later my sobs reduced to hiccups and I eventually stopped crying.

"What's wrong princess? I can't remember the last time I heard you cry that hard."My mom's soothing voice consoled.

Taking deep breath I finally managed to find the words to express how I was feeling.

"Everything is wrong mom. Bishop is in the hospital and Andrew and I broke up."I confessed.

My emotions were all over so what I'd said didn't register until I'd already said the words out loud. I couldn't tell my mom exactly what had happened to Bishop as that would mean outing him. I didn't want that so I started thinking of a simpler explanation.

The Purple Backpack ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें