"Of course, if everyone just tells me what they want, I can order in." Sejin replied, looking around the room.

This made me uneasy, as I wasn't very good at making decisions. It was a little pressuring having to think about this so quickly, that I didn't even pay attention to what everyone else had said. So when it got around to me, I had no clue what to say.

"I'll just have whatever Yoongi is having." I replied, hearing a few muffled giggles.

"Very well then, everyone can just make themselves comfortable." Sejin said, before leaving the room.

The room grew louder, as everyone began to talk to each other. Everyone but Yoongi and I. I turned to Yoongi, having no thoughts as to what I would say. But nevertheless, I began to speak anyways.

"Hi." I said, instantly feeling so dumb for saying that. "I just figured....we didn't even say hello today, so why not now. Better late that never, they say."

"That's true." Yoongi replied with a low chuckle. "Hello then."


"Before we continue, I would like to ask you something." Yoongi interrupted. I nodded my head lightly, and Yoongi scratched the back of his head. But as he opened his mouth to say whatever he had planed to, I heard my name being called on by someone else.

"So Ae-Young, do you like your job?" Jin asked me. "It sounds like it can be really stressful."

"Uh, well...." I began, seeing many eyes on me. There was still light chit chatter, but mostly this seemed to be the big conversation topic currently. "Sometimes it really can be. But once there's co-operation on both sides, there aren't usually any problems."

"Were there ever any really difficult ones?" Soyeon asked. I had to stop for a moment and think. I haven't ever had people asking me about my job, so this was quite new to me. Most people just need help, and don't enquire about anything.

"Yeah, all the time." I replied with a sigh. "People just take things differently, and are unsure on how to handle the changes."

"I was actually wondering something." Jungkook asked, seemingly thinking to himself. "Well, there's so many people in the world. Surely not everyone finds their soulmate...."

The room became extremely quiet at this point. I would say you could hear a pin drop, but with everyone's focus on what I would say next, I doubt it would even have been noticed. I thought for a second, wondering how I would answer this. But there was no nice was of putting it, really.

"You're right." I finally said. "There are people that never find their soulmate. Even though it sounds surreal, fate sometimes doesn't allow it."

"But how does that even make sense?" Taehyung thought aloud, more to himself than anyone else. "If it's your soulmate, and fate plays a huge part in that bond, why would fate be like 'oh yeah, no, they're not getting together any time soon' ? Cause that just doesn't seem right."

"Sometimes your soulmate and you, can be fated to never meet.... It happens, quite a bit actually that you're soulmates because you were fated to never see each other." I said, looking around at the reactions to my statement. It made sense, how they all reacted, because this side of soulmate bonding isn't really talked about. Not many people even question it.

"Food is here!" We heard the familiar voice of Sejin say, as he came through the door. I think all of us felt a wave of relief, at the great timing he had, as non of us had a clue as to how to move on from that conversation point.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate, and looked down. My eyes widened, as I saw the caller ID. I had to stop and think for a minute or two, while staring at the screen, as I thought about whether or not to answer the phone here. But after giving myself only a second more, I thought I might as well.

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