Let's Split Up And Look For Clues

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"Good. Ok, so you got the Peter-tingle," Happy shrugged simply making me cackle in the background. "That's the plan. I'm gonna go get your friends. You get that Peter-tingle back online," Happy planned out, walking to the front to manually fly the jet.

"I got this. I got thi- shut up," Peter hissed at me, blushing mad as I continued to giggle, still high out of my mind.

"Aw, cmon. Don't be ashamed of your tingle, it's perfectly normal for a half spiderling such as yourself," I teased making him roll his eyes at me. I finally stopped laughing but still smiled at him, not knowing how this all would play out. The high seemed to be doing wonders though. "You should really try this sometime, it feels great."

"You mean get high? I think I'm good," Peter decided looking slightly amused at my shit-eating grin.

"Prude," I smirked making him roll my eyes at me. I heard the machine beep around me and the screen popped up in front of me with the large word COMPLETE written across it. "'Bout damn time," I muttered, popping the coil and wires off me.

I quickly hopped out of the machine and stretched, feeling the buzz of the high and electricity course through me. Blue energy fizzed around me letting me know the reactor really did give me a full upgrade. I felt stronger than before, better even. It wasn't completely worth the bonding of me and my fathers' reactor but I'll take all the perks I can get.

Soon, Peters' suit was ready too and he changed swiftly while I simply tapped my nanotech compartment twice, being wrapped in the familiar suit with only a few changes and adjustments. It was a darker color with a retractable eye covering attached to the hood. Darkened fishnets sat at the side of my legs, something that was utterly useless but hot which was reason enough for me to add them.

We were just over London and the plan was about to officially commence. We opened the jet door, the air violently blowing against the jet making Peter gulp.

"Ladies first?" Peter offered anxiously, gesturing to me and the door causing me to raise an eyebrow at him, putting a hand on my hip. "Kidding, kidding," he defended nervously, steeping the edge of the door and latched onto the exterior of the jet.

"Uh-huh. Yeah," I rolled my eyes and flew out the door, keeping up with the jet. I closed the door and kept close to Webs as he crawled to the front of the jet, positioning himself right outside Happys window.

"Alright, comms check. Can you hear me, kid?" I heard Happy through my comm plugged in my ear.

"I can. It's a little loud out here," Spidey shouted the obvious through the wind and into the comm.

"A little?" I commented loudly over the rush of the wind against our ears.

"I like the new suits," Happy complimented looking out his window to check us out and I gave a thumbs up in response.

"Thanks," Spidey shouted into the comms again, looking forward to see London coming up.

"Woah," Happy expressed as we came upon London, getting the full view of the monster Beck had constructed for his big performance. The holographic Elementals seemed to join forces and became a fiery, angry tornado, skull, nightmare monster in the sky, roaring at the terrified civilians that were just trying to escape. Lightning struck the buildings below, seeming to concentrate on one specific area. Our friends.

"You sure that's not real?" Happy questioned hesitantly in concern at the terrifying monster slowly getting bigger and bigger as we got closer.

"Yeah, it's just 100 times bigger than I expected," Spidey said turning back to look at me. "You think you can still pull off the breakdown voltage needed to take down the drones?"

Veins and Wires // Peter Parkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن