Chapter 41

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"Umm, thanks? I guess?" Well, now I'm panicking. "You might have fooled the boys Y/N. But not me" I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "What are you talking about Hermione?" she scoffed. "I know you are in love with Bellatrix. I can't see why, she is a sadistic bitch" It hurt me to hear her say that. Deep down Bella is a good person. Granted she has done some evil things but I feel personally accountable for those things. I made her lose herself by leaving.

"So, what is it you really want from us?" I laughed. "You are one smart witch Hermione. Aren't you the brightest witch of your age?" I could see her blushing at the compliment. "Yes, but you haven't answered my question" I discreetly reached for my wand as I spoke again. "I guess you aren't smart enough to avoid this... STUPEFY" I yelled, she didn't have her wand at hand so she took the charm. "Not so clever now are you?" I sniggered as I apparated us both to Malfoy manor.

We landed in the empty meeting room. "Cissy! Bellatrix!" I shouted to get their attention. They both burst through the door to see me stood there with a stunned Hermione. "What have you done Y/N?" Bella laughed. "Well, unfortunately, she was onto me. I got questioned about us so I spoke a lot of lies. Turns out this one is a lot smarter than expected" Cissy cast a spell so that Hermione was bound by chains that resisted magic. She was powerless to prevent her from trying anything.

"Well, what now?" Bella asked. "I guess I have to go back to Hogwarts to tell Harry and Ron about Hermione" I said. "But what will you tell them?" Bella asked, a little worried. "I don't know, probably that some snatchers have taken her. Then I can bring them here to face the dark lord?" She smirked, nodding her head. "Brilliant idea. I'll send for him right away"

And with that, I apparated back to Hogwarts. There was no one around so I quickly composed myself to act panicked. I started to run around frantically looking for the pair. I finally found them, in the Gryffindor common room. "Harry, Ron! It's Hermione. She was taken by some snatchers" I panted out of breath. "WHAT?!" the boys said in unison. "Wait, I might have an idea where they went. But we will have to go quickly" I reached my hands out and they knew what to do. They each grabbed a hand. I apparated us to Malfoy manor. The dark lord was stood waiting for us. The plan had worked.

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