Chapter 13

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"Don't you dare touch her again you old bat" She screamed. He turned away from her and took the opportunity to kick me in the gut. It severely winded me. Everything went black.


I ran as fast as I could towards her, she winced in pain from the blow of his foot. "She is eleven years old, how could you Dumbledore?" he just grinned immensely before reaching for his wand because I disarmed him. "Come any closer Miss Black and you will regret it" I didn't want to risk anything because then I might not be there for Y/N when and if she wakes up.

I had to think tactically. "We know it was you Albus, who used me for a polyjuice potion. Why?" he cackled. "My intentions are valid. I used you to protect myself" 'Protect himself from what?' He saw my confusion causing him to scoff. "You really are incompetent Miss Black. I figured that if I used you then you would be punished. Not me" My cheeks grew redder in anger. "So what is it exactly that you were doing Dumbledore?" He walked closer to me, I felt stiff. "To kill all mudblood's, squibs and half-bloods" He started to edge even closer so I yelled "FLIPENDO" sending him flying.

He got up and clasped his hands above his head and in a ball of fire, he was gone. I quickly rushed over to Y/N. She was unconscious. I can't lose her, I need to get her up to the castle.

I picked her wand up and put it in my pocket. I hoisted her up and attempted to drag her towards the castle. It was a long walk but Hagrid's hut was along the way so when I got close enough I gently put her down and sprinted to his home. I frantically knocked on the door "A'right 'am comin'" and the door flung open. "Hello Bellatrix, yer a'right?" I shook my head out of breath. "Y/N, Hagrid, help" was all I managed to get out. I ran back over to her lifeless looking body, Hagrid swiftly following.

He picked her up and carried her up to the castle for me. "Do yer wanna tell me wa' 'appened?" "Dumbledore" He was shocked. He didn't ask any more questions. We just walked in silence up to the castle as fast as we possibly could. I was running however since Hagrid is a half-giant his gait is much wider than mine.

We made it to the castle and put her in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey summoned Professor McGonagall and Hagrid wished Y/N a speedy recovery.

"What's going on Miss Black, what has happened to Miss Y/L/N?" By now I had calmed down and was prepared to talk. "Well I was meeting Y/N at the Black Lake but when I got there, Professor Dumbledore had his wand to her neck so I disarmed him. He had a tight grip on her wrist as you can see it's all red and bruised. He proceeded to kick her in the stomach which winded her badly as she is unconscious" The two older witches couldn't believe their ears. "He edged closer to me after knocking her out and told me that it was him who was using me for polyjuice potions. He said he wanted to kill all non-purebloods. That was when I cast another spell shooting him backwards and he apparated" Pomfrey had her hand over her mouth and McGonagall was angry. "Please Professor, you have to believe me. Use Legilimency if you must"

She shook her head "That won't be necessary Bella. I believe you. I should've seen it coming" "How?" I asked. "For a while now, he has been distant and not focusing on the school which is unusual. I never expected it to be for this reason, however. Poppy, please ensure Miss Y/L/N gets back to her normal self within the hour, I will need to speak to her also" And with that, she left, leaving me and Madam Pomfrey alone with Y/N.

She cast a spell on her body, allowing her to view the internal damage. She examined her for a while before swiftly moving her arm and saying 'ferula'. She also rubbed some ointment on her dishevelled wrist. I sat and held her hand while Madam Pomfrey fixed her.

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