Chapter 30

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I went to find Bella since I'd not seen her since being on the train. Of course, she was in her dorm. "Hello, mi Amor" I said as I flung her door open. She smiled at me weakly and I could tell something was bothering her. "Spill" I demanded.

"I just didn't want Cissy to be placed in Slytherin, that's all" I was confused as to why she felt like this. That was until she explained further. "She will be living up to my mother and father's standards and because she is in Slytherin that might mean that she will have to become a death eater. Like me" she lowered her voice when she said the words 'death eater' in case there was a chance of someone listening. "Bella, we both know that might not happen. She is still so young, you don't need to worry about that just yet" I reassured her, rubbing her back. "Anyway, did you see that third year trying to talk to her but ended up getting ignored?" She laughed heartily "Oh, Lucius yes. He is a complete idiot. Also, a family friend but we don't see much of him" we both giggled at his failure to charm Cissy.


We were all called into the great hall. But I noticed that it was only fifth years and up present. Professor McGonagall spoke "Good evening students. I hope you are all well. I have called you here today to talk to you about the Triwizard tournaments which had been brought back after two centuries of being discontinued. Now, this contains three tournaments and we will have one competitor from our school. There will be three other schools joining us: Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Ilvermony. The reason fifth years and above are here is that you must be sixteen or older and many fifth years are already that age or close to try out" I really wasn't interested in competing but it sure will be fun to watch. "Now, in order to try out, you must place your name into the Goblet of fire" She uncovered a huge stone goblet that spat blue flames.

The assembly lasted for ages explaining rules and what the competition consisted of. James was considering entering but I tried to persuade him against it after doing some research into it. Many people had died competing but he didn't care.


We were all called in again to another assembly. The goblet was going to tell us who the competitors were. I wasn't particularly bothered about the other three schools but I was pretty excited to find out who it would be from Hogwarts.

Once the other three schools had their competitors called out, it was finally Hogwarts turn. The goblet spat out the small piece of paper and Minerva caught it. My heart dropped when she read out the name...

"James Potter"

I was livid. After all that time I spent persuading him against it, he went and put his name in the goblet of fire anyway. Everyone cheered but us. We were all thinking the same thing. 'He is going to get killed out there'

James got up and joined the other three competitors. We all left the great hall and went back to the common room. "I can't believe he would go behind our backs and put his name in that damn goblet" Remus shouted. "And after all that persuasion against it, Y/N did" Bella sighed. I was lost for words.

He shortly returned and the common room started to cheer for him. He walked over to us beaming. We just stared in disbelief. "How could you James. What if you die?" I said, my eyes threatening to let tears fall. He just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal then swiftly changed the subject. "By the way guys, me and Sirius worked all summer and we have finally worked out how to become Animagus. We need to do it this weekend" As much as I wanted to refuse, I couldn't. I had to do this for Remus, as much as I was angry at James I couldn't let him stop me from doing this for poor Remus.

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