Chapter 6

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I lay on my bed studying when I heard the door open. I looked up from my books and saw one of my father's friends stood before me. 'Hello Alecto, to what do I owe the pleasure?' I sarcastically said. (I have never liked the Carrow twins. They make me feel nervous, especially when they're around Cissy and Andy). She slowly walked towards me and whispered in my ear 'your father sent me here on important business' I edged away from her 'my father wouldn't trust you with anything' She let out an evil cackle. She pulled out her wand and before I could react she shouted 'CRUCIO' immense pain struck my body. I collapsed to the floor screaming in pain but nobody came. 'She must have put up a silencing charm' I thought to myself. The curse must have lasted forever because when it finally stopped, I could still feel the pain engulfing my body. My brain went foggy and the world grew darker, I must be slipping away...

I woke with a start screaming and sweating. Alecto's words and actions playing in my head again and again, I sat shaking. I couldn't remember where I was so I buried my head in my knees. My body still ached and worrying thoughts swam around my head. I couldn't comprehend what had happened to me.

I felt someone start rubbing my back, I jumped but didn't look up because I didn't know who it was. "Do you want to talk about it?" I heard someone say, then I realised it was Y/N. Her presence calmed me so I relaxed in her grasp. I looked at her finally and shook my head. I physically couldn't speak, I was so exhausted. If my parents saw me like this they would shun me for being so weak. I am such a disappointment. "Alright, I can stay with you till you fall asleep if you would like?" I heard her say. I had butterflies at the thought of her cradling me to sleep. I looked back up at her again with tears in my eyes and nodded. She got fully into bed with me and I cried into her chest for a while until I eventually drifted off. I've never felt safer being in her warm embrace.

When I woke the next morning, the bed felt empty. Y/N was gone. 'Why did she leave me?' I let out a small whine at the loss of touch. I sat up and stared around the empty room. I hadn't yet had the chance to be aware of my surroundings. She has a lovely room, it very much reflects who she is. Her bed is made, the floor is clear, everything is set up and organised nicely.

I could hear someone coming up the stairs. I started to panic. It felt like the walls were closing in on me, I hid under the covers and tried to hold my breath when the door opened. "Bella?" Suddenly, the room stopped spinning and I came back to reality.

I slowly pushed the covers off me and sat back up. She could tell something had happened due to the amount of distress I was just in. She came and sat down, gently hugging me. "It's alright, I've got you" I don't deserve her. She is such a caring person, I can't understand why she wants to help someone like me.

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