Chapter 29

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I woke up this morning and felt like my legs were going to buckle underneath me. I stayed the night with Bella and we had a great time. I quickly got up and ran into my own room to save us from being caught together. Surprisingly, Cissy has managed to keep her mouth shut for three years. But, there were times when we thought she was going to blab.

Flashback: We were sat at the dinner table having Christmas dinner. The table was filled with all kinds of foods. Everyone was present, even Cygnus.

"So girls, have you got any boyfriends yet?" Druella asked. Narcissa nearly spat her drink out, knowing what she does. All eyes landed on her, "What's so funny sweetheart?" Druella asked. Bella and I gave her pleading eyes and she saw us practically begging her. "Sorry, mother. It's just the thought of Bellatrix getting married and being a housewife" Usually Bella would have snapped back but she knew it was a cover-up. "What is wrong with being a housewife Narcissa?" Druella spoke with a serious tone, probably hurt that her daughter thought what she did was bad. "Oh no, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just Bellatrix, she hardly seems the type" she said giggling. "Nonsense Narcissa. Be quiet and eat your dinner" she scolded. I gave Bella's hand a squeeze under the table and she squeezed back as if to say that was a close one.

We grabbed our luggage and apparated to kings cross station. I promised Cissy she could sit with us since she didn't know anyone yet. Bella was reluctant to have her sister tag along with us but I made her allow it otherwise, I would hex her.

We found an empty compartment as usual and waited for the boys to join us. It only took a few minutes for the four of them to come piling in. "Cissy! You're here. How are you feeling about starting Hogwarts?" Sirius asked. "I'm pretty nervous to be honest but Y/N and Bella have been really good to me" she said smiling at us both. "Oh James, Remus and Peter. This is Narcissa, Bella's younger sister. She is starting her first year today so please be nice".

The boys got on with Narcissa so well. They engaged in a lot of conversations so I had my own private one with Bella.

We finally arrived and Cissy had to leave to go with Hagrid. "Cissy, I just wanted to say before you go. No matter what house you end up in, we will always love you. Good luck in the ceremony" she hugged us tightly before leaving with the other first years.

We all took our seats at our tables, I just wish I could be seated next to Bella right now. Every year so far none of us paid any attention to the sorting ceremony, not even for Astoria (who was of course placed in Slytherin) but this time it was different. It wasn't long before her name was called. She slowly got up to the front and sat on the stool. The hat was placed upon her head and it spoke to her for a little while before shouting 'SLYTHERIN'. I could tell she was relieved to be placed with her sister's. I knew she would be safe there and thankfully not alone. I could see her scanning the tables for me and when she eventually locked eyes with me I gave her a quick thumbs up and she gave me a look of relief. She was sat next to Bella and opposite her was a boy names Lucius Malfoy, he appeared to be trying to make conversation with her but she wasn't interested which made me laugh.

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